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Bowazon help
I am looking to make a godly Bowazon and i need help....I need to know what Stats i should have and what skills to have that will together make me do the most damage...i am probably going for a PvM thanks
Stat wise you will probably benefit more from being a "glass cannon" meaning that you only put enough str for gear and the rest of your stat points go to dex. You will need both leech types and depending on your damage you may need more or less.

Your attack skills will be multi arrow and guided arrow the rest of your points are going to be in passive skills. Ask someone else about that though because I don't know too much about zons.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Right, I am in the middle of making a Bowzon as well, so I've been playing around with some gear combinations and this is what I finally decided to do:

Helm: Artisan's Tiara of the XXX with 3x15%IAS / +40%ed jewels. XXX is a mod of your choice, +100 life, 30%FRW or +30 DEX. Weigh each stat's importance by a personal standard.
Amulet: Cat's Eye (best bowa neck)
Weapon: Faith GMB, you need at least level 13 Fana I think
Armor: Fortitude
Belt: Nosferatu (Razortail could be a better choice for Pierce, but you must have Nosferatu to reach the final IAS% breakpoint)
Gloves: Laying of Hands. The 350% ED to Demons is insane in PvM.
Boots: War Travelers
Ring1: Raven
Ring2: rare dual leech with other mods of your choice
Switch: up to you. You won't have Teleport, so Harmony Bow is not a bad idea, for Vigor. Otherwise, you could go for CTA, but the idea of a glass cannon is to kill shit before it hits you really. This build does not need a CTA.

Inventory: 10maxdmg/xxAR/xxlife GCs, 1 fire damage SC, rest 3/20/20s
Forget bowskillers, those are useless for Bowzons. Going for extremely high poison damage is also an option, i.e. 415dmg poison SCs, but getting a whole inventory full of those will not be cheap.

Get A2 Might merc and throw a Pride on him.

You need 95% IAS for this build with level 13 Fanatiscm.
Helm = 45%
Belt = 10%
Gloves = 20%
Amulet = 20%
Et voila.

Skills: this is where I'm stuck and have not yet decided what to do, and opinions on this vary. A lot.
This is what I've decided thus far:
20 Magic Arrow - most people will agree on this... you need it to take down Phyis immunes since your merc is using Pride instead of Reaper's
20 Guided Arrow - to take down single targets
4-5 in Multiple Shot - from all +skills, this will cover a nice area
1 Valkyre - not essential, but quite nice to have nevertheless.
xx in Pierce - get as close to 100% as you want to. Remember that Razortail gives 33% which stack directly, so you can only put 1 in here and get the rest from +skills.
1 in all passives - duh

This leaves you with a shitload of unspent skillpoints. Some people say max Valkyre, other say max Strafe (BTW most people use Strafe, I tried it and didn't like it at all. Imo GA > single target and Multi Shot > multi target, but you know, opinions vary. Also, Strafe + Hellfire drops games very fast, so peopel won't be too chuffed about having you in their Baalrun).

I'm probably going to start PvP with this Amazon soon enough as I get good enough charms, so I will probably just throw the rest into passives. From Passives, the most important skill is the one which allows you to dodge while standing still, as that is what you will be doing with your ama most of the time.

Anyway, rest from skills is up to you.

I also played around with some other gear... Namely, trying to use Jeweler's Armor and Razortail:
Helm: Shako with 15%/40%
Amulet: Cat's Eye
Bow: Faith GMB
Armor: Jeweler's armor of XXX (on armor, your choices are +100 life or 24%FHR) with 4x15%/40%
Now with these items alone, you will already have reached your 95% IAS breakpoint. As for other gear:
Belt: Razortail, Pierce on this makes it the best Bowzon belt in game.
Rings: once again, Raven + dual leech
Boots: War Travs
Gloves: you have a lot of choice here now, or do you? Basically, nothing really outweighs the 350%ed on Laying of Hands. Other choices that I looked at were Lava Gout for Enchant, Cleglaw's for Slow and Knockback (although you won't really need either). Anything can really go here.

However, unlike on Javazons, Jeweler's armor is not really so useful on Bowzons. Although only slightly, this build did less damage than the previous one. Both of the builds above use Faith. I also like this choice, because you can get Might + Conc from your Mercenary, which will boost your damage A LOT.

Another choice is to use Windforce (adjust IAS% gear accordingly) and have Faith on Act1 merc.

By the way, this is not definite. Amazons are my very weak point and this is just what I've been playing around with. You are better off asking for extra info from some godly amas who you may know. Anyway, I hope this helps.

edit: oh yeah, I forgot stats:
STR: enough for gear
ENE: lmao
VIT: base - 100. Depends on the quality of your charms. If this is for PvM, you could just go for base *caution*
DEX: rest and as much as possible

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