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Boxer and Savior Interview
the two greats of starcraft come together and talk about their experiances
note, this was taken from teamliquid's website.
Boxer and Savior Interview [Complete]
i removed the pictures

Quote:Thanks to AloneindaBunker for finishing the other half!

The term 'Bonjwa' was originally a word used to make the image of yourself highly on the internet however on the Esports scene, it is a word to describe 'Dominance' and the absolute best. Also, when we think bonjwa the first word that comes into our mind is 'Lim Lee Choi Mah."

Boxer, Nada, iloveoov and Maestro.The word LimLeeChoiMah comes from their surnames and these 4 men dominated like none other during their age. We, here at fomos brought bother 1st generation Bonjwa and 4th generation bonjwa Boxer and Savior here together, as Boxer said during his out of army interview "The progamer who seems to follow my fate the most seems to be Savior"

- This is the first time you have met together at an interview, hows the first impressions of each other?
▲ Boxer: Handsome guy and he is very quiet.
▲ Savior: He is... Ahh...(laughs)
▲ Boxer: He is alot more handsome than I thought. And quiet (laughs)
▲ Savior: I always wanted to meet him. When we progamers talk with each other we all talk about Boxer Hyung. Although we met for an interview today, I want to hang out with him outside of our jobs.

- What do you (Boxer) think of Savior? At your out of army interview it seemed like you want to teach Savior more.
▲ Boxer: During the Savior Era, he dominated everything and looked invincible. He is a very experiance played. During my out of army interview you guys asked me 'who is the player who seems to be most similar with you?' and I answered savior but I guess people took it as a 'apprentice' thing. But thats not what I meant. We both earned so much money but blew it all on useless stuff. When we started to try getting more money we started losing. Once a man is seduced to life's other fine entertainment, it is very difficult to get back up. But Savior is dealing with his problems very well. This is why I said we were similar.

- And what do you think of Boxer?

▲ Savior: Come to think of it, I do think what Boxer said is right... When I first started to be a progamer, I wanted to catch up to E-Sports icon Boxer Hyung. I tried very hard as to get up to that level. After hearing what Boxer Hyung said I agree with it 100%. Only people who lost everything they had can know this feeling. Honestly, I always felt Boxer Hyung is the only one who can understand my feeling. Because he knew how hard it is to go through, I think him understanding my position is thankful.

- When a top player falls to the ground, it is fact that a player to get back to their #1 spot is extremely difficult.

▲ Boxer: For players who reach their peak and fall back down it is very difficult to get back to their original state. You can't concentrate, and when practice isn't working out you seek for other pleasures. Women and alcohol mainly. Players who were at the top know the way back, but it is still very difficult. Players like us know how harsh reality is, and that is probably why it is the biggest factor.
After leaving the army, I decided on 1 thing. I don't want to screw around anymore and I think I can give up everything for gaming. Like the first time I came onto the e-sports scene, I want to sacrifice everything to get back to my original state.

▲ Savior: I agree with everything, especially how you have to sacrifice everything. When I was at my prime, I met people and just played. When I wanted to get back inshape, disconnecting myself with life's pleasures was so had. Not long ago I felt it, getting back in shape is a long, long way.

- Boxer do you believe Savior is walking the same path as you?

▲ Boxer: When I was around 20, I thought to myself 'If I keep gaming, I will earn nothing in return' so I tried forcing myself to do different things. I tried going out with girls and hanging around with Celebrities, but it was all forced within myself. When I look back it was such a stupid thing to do. Now days, I tell stories about my life to the new gen gamers and tell them it is a very stupid thing to do. When I was famous, it was extremely fun to play. However when you screw around like that, you fall behind from other players and feel more regret.
▲ Savior: Wow I agree fully. I was similar too. When I started as a progamer at highschool excluding Esports related people I had very few friends. I was very depressed and thought to myself if I should continue like this. Because I own a a special occupation, I met alot of working people. But many times it would be difficult to get a special bond with a person because we are a working people. Whether a man or a woman, relationships (if anyone puts a gay reference here I will kill you) were empty and meaningless. Even when I was partying I kept feeling this.

- You are both the Esports Icon, it would've been harding being such a big figure.
▲ Boxer: I couldn't let my mind loose. Whatever I did, people were watching me and I felt it. Even if I didn't feel it I had to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. For example, I kept trash inside my pocket and didn't spit. I was scared if I slip up the Esports and progaming image will be ruined. Being a progamer isn't really a 'Dream Super Job" so I should atleast be careful not to ruin the image further.

▲ Savior: It was hard going outside for me. Because I am progamer I kept having this feeling people were looking at me as a 'lower' person or a 'no-life-basement-dwelling-loser'. Because of this feeling I kept buying new stylish clothes and fixed my hair up. Oh right back to the question. Being noticed is a very hard thing. I still don't know how to interact with the public people properly and I get stressed out alot when things aren't going the way as planned.

- Because you guys have so many fans, it must be hard for people close to you

▲ Boxer: On the internet it is easy to express one's feeling. But in reality a person should know when to hide their feelings or when to show them. I used to be stressed out with it alot but now I ignore most of it. When I was going out with my girlfriend it was very difficult for her. When we were walking together down the road and someone recognized me, she had to let go and walk the other direction.
▲ Savior: People around me started being careful. My friends when around me didn't throw trash away on the ground. When my friends start leaving messages on my cyworld, it gets clogged up and I can't reply back properly. When a girl leaves a message on my cyworld I get millions of PMs saying "IZ SHE UR GF?????"
▲ Boxer: This is why I don't Cyworld. Too hard
▲ Savior: Yeah I close and reopen my cyworld alot too.

- Before you became a progamer, what did you think of Boxer?
▲ Savior: Honestly I was a fan of Starcraft not a fan of progaming when I was young. I only watched SC around.. The Semifinals I guess? The time I wanted to become a progamer and became a progamer was relatively short for me. So for me, Boxer Hyung was not really a big figure. However when I did become a progamer I heard many stories about him. When I started playing televised matches I thought and reached for him more. He was my role model during my early progaming career. At first I thought he was just 'a famous guy' but when I did good I wanted to be just like him.

- Boxer when did you first know about savior?

▲ Boxer: I guess our first encounter was when we played against each other. I did a proxy rax and lost that game if I am correct. The map was Luna (2004 Week 4 of Minor league to be precise). Ever since that day I kept losing haha. As he started rising to the bonjwa level, Savior's face started changing. He had the Bonjwa Aura I guess? At first it looked like it was not 1 player, but many players when watching savior play. With fast reactions and great macro it looked like he would never lose. That is when I learned about Savior. I also thought GO (aka CJ entus) will get some amazing zerg player. And I kept losing and he kept winning which made me think "he is a machine." But like all things, a great player will always be down on his knees by another great player..
▲ Savior: I think that too. Bisu (laughs)
▲ Boxer: There is always that 1 amateur player who always beats great players. These days, I feel the same aura from [Image: Zicon_small.gif]by.hero. And sometimes, whenever a player beat me they always went and won a SL.
▲ Savior: I like to believe players who beat me will win the SL too (laugh). But its really pointless and more a way to make yourself feel better.
▲ Boxer: I agree. Its just a self satisfaction thing to cover up your loss.\

- Boxer you are 1:6 against savior, you guys met each other so much yet you kept losing.
▲ Boxer: Yeah I do. Before going to the army I practice extremely hard for the superfight. But then I lost everything. I made Valkyries on Arkanoid but Savior deflected that so easy. When I practiced I won however... Then I proceeded to lose set 2 and 3. I practiced so hard but I wonder why I lost.

- If you can go back to your prime do you think you can win?
▲ Boxer: That is just a thought. Its more of an excuse if I say stuff like that (laughs). If 2 players play extremely well the game can be the best game ever. However, era when I was prime and the era when Savior was prime is different in skill level. However if that does happen, I think it can be a very big issue and fun.
▲ Savior: When I lose, I'm not the type that says to myself "If I was at my prime he would've lost." I never thought anything like that. I don't like imagining stuff like "if this was 1 year ago." Its just pointless thinking.

- Still though, if this can happen what do you think will be the result?
▲ Boxer: I cant say, because I think the me right now is alot better than when I was at my prime long ago. Thats how much the skill average increased. Even though if I was at my prime I would lose.
▲ Savior: I believe the same. I think I'm better now than I was at my prime (LOL ANTI-SAVIOR FANBOYS ARE RIGHT). These days everyone is so good, they don't get shaken up mentally either. Aftergame interviews of winners all sound like they were mentally fine. Thats how much better players got.

- Your results have slowed down than before
▲ Boxer: I am getting old now. Whenever I practice, my warmup sessions get longer and longer everyday. I don't exactly know which is hurting my performance more my age or my hands. But one of the main reasons why its harder to practice is because of other concerns.
▲ Savior: Players these days who do good are very young. I'm not an old guy but at the same time I'm not young. Young kids can focus on gaming only but for me I have to worry about conscription, my girlfriend and life goals. I have to think more than the average gamer these days. But at the same time, this isn't a valid excuse.
▲ Boxer: Players at the top get seduced alot. Celebrities come towards you, you get used, and you think about your appearance. I think if [Image: Ticon_small.gif]Flash keeps concentrating on gaming, he can return to his prime easily. However, life is full of mysteries and nothing works the way you want it to. Once you get to the dark side, you can win games. But it won't last long. Its hard to be at the prime not because of other players, but you yourself have to deal with many other things besides gaming.

- Why do you think for players who fall down, getting back seems so hard
▲ Boxer: Because they aren't sacrificing enough. Like I said previously, top players know how to go back but they must know how to let go of all of life's pleasures and other stuff. Once a player sees his Ranking go down, he gets ANOTHER thing to worry about besides practicing. This is why players can't concentrate properly. Then you start to realize your salary increased, you get invited to special parties, TV shows and etc. How can you practice when this is happening? This is why to get back up there you have to sacrifice everything. As you grow older and older you keep thinking about life problems. But if you are suppose to sacrifice everything how can you live life properly? This is the hardest part.
▲ Savior: I agree the biggest problem is sacrificing. Even if you say you want to let go you can't. Then we think stuff like 'what if I sacrificed everything but I couldn't get results?'
▲ Boxer: When I was young I didn't worry about stuff like this. But after my prime ended I couldn't meet people in a relaxed fashion.
▲ Savior: People who won know, winning is not an easy feat and winning again is definitely something that is hard.

- You 2 are one of the most dominant figures yet you guys are so worried. Shouldn't the new generation of players be worried about this too?

▲ Boxer: Its the matter of how long he will stay at #1. Age is important but in the world of sports, there is no such thing as a forever #1. However I want to say there are different ways to stay at #1. The only way to do this is to take care of yourself and be professional. If you can perfect these 2, you can stay at the top for a long time.
▲ Savior: You must experience everything. Words are empty, you must experience them yourself. However, I still think it will be hard for me to get back in shape even. Honestly, I don't remember how it feels to be good again and I want that feeling back. But it will be hard.

- Boxer your goal is to be a 30's progamer
▲ Boxer: At first I was afraid leaving my 20's. I was wondering what would happen to me at my 30s. However when I reached my 30s I was very relaxed, like my early 20s.

- How does it feel to interact with younger players. It seems very hard.

▲ Boxer: The fact that I am trying to converse with a different generation of people is very hard. I'm not going to lie when I say its very hard to interact when kids are so young. I'm a very relaxed Hyung but everyone on the team finds it very hard to interact with me (you are the emperor... what do you expect). So I guess it is awkward (laughs). There is nobody I can talk to in a relaxed manner so it is hard.

- Boxer is now a 30s gamer, how do you feel

▲ Savior: Boxer was a progamer since his 20s and now to his 30s. I am still young so there are still very many lustrous traps for me, but for Boxer to be a progamer still is quite amazing.

On January 24 2009 03:00 AloneInDaBunker wrote:
- Then doesn't Savior have ambition to be one himself (30's gamer)?
▲ Savior= Honestly, I haven't thought about it. But I have wondered about whether I can do it or not. I couldn't reach conclusion.
▲ Boxer= You have to answer that question on your own. You have to first decide if playing game is best for you. To help Savior decide that, I suggest him to ask himself a question, "What can I excel at other than gaming?" I came to think about this kind of thing more since I returned from military duty. Like, "it has to be better than army,"(Smiles) This way of thinking helps me to see things in a positive way.

(interviewer's words) Who is Savior to Boxer, and Boxer to Savior?
After some serious conversations, Boxer and Savior seemed to have become close. Boxer shared his past stories and didn't hesitate to give out helpful advises to Savior. Savior agreed with Boxer's words and opened his mind in an effort to benefit from Boxer's advises. As they did this they started to throw questions at each other, continuing the interview by themselves.

-(Boxer to Savior) How did your coach treat you when the people crowned you as a Bonjwa? And how was your life at the team lodge?
▲ Savior= The coach didn't 'touch' me. Back then, I honestly thought I deserved such treatment. I was very proud, but not arrogant. I had many Hyungs (seniors) in the team, so I couldn't act easily regardless of how well I was doing. But I still had total freedom to enjoy my time after scheduled practice session.

-(Boxer to Savior) Some juniors probably have you during that time as their role model.
▲ Savior= I didn't know it back then. But I think I know now. I thought deciding for myself and scheduling my own schedule was better for me. But those juniors could have thought "It is ok to such things when you are good".

- Was it similar for Boxer?
▲ Boxer= My coach gave me same kind of freedom. However, when you take a captain responsibility, it is hard to enjoy your free time outside. I didn't go have fun partying because I was afraid I would lose my focus from gaming. I sat in front of computer even in my free time. But I didn't do that to 'show' it off to my juniors. Recently, assistant coach Park told me that my such behavior had motivated many players and built their faith in me.
▲Savior= There was a time where I acted however I liked to. But I realized that the team could be jeopardized by my behavior.

- Let's wrap up this interview. We have talked about various things. How do you feel?
▲ Savior= I'm worried that we focused too much on heavy topics. These are kind of things that aren't mentioned easily in any given place.
▲ Boxer= But I think what we talked about today also applies to other sports. If athletes in different sports hear this, I'm sure they will nod their head in agreement. There isn't any resentment between players of sports. Although I'm not sure if they would regard us as one of their kind (Smiles).

- I know it is bit random, but who is Savior to Boxer?
▲ Boxer= I have once shifted my focus from game after putting myself in best position, but nevertheless I was diligent and I believe that has enabled me to become a 30's gamer. Savior shares similar story with me after claiming top. However, he is young and a new Bonjwa has not come out yet at this point so I believe he can reclaim his position. Since I understand his situation very well, I believe he can be in a position much better than the one I was in. I wish he becomes an exemplary player that other players look up to.

- Then who is Boxer to Savior?
▲ Savior = Few years ago when the 30's gamer talk came out, I doubted it. But Boxer is doing it now. Boxer as of now is already enough. In my first years of progamer career, I couldn't talk about a player Boxer, but I got to know him as we played games against each other and now we are actually doing an interview together. If you think about all this processes, it is quite interesting. This suddenly came across my mind. (Smiles)

(interview's words) It was a question to end the interview but these two seemed to have more to ask each other. Savior said he had last question to ask and extended life of this interview.

- (Savior to Boxer) I get asked a lot about next Bonjwa, what do you think about it? I personally think that once one gets to high class, his distance from gaming accelerates. There could be some that is already in such process.

▲ Boxer= The fact is, it is funny for me to talk about Bonjwa. I'm not in top level, I'm just practicing like all other entering progamers now.
▲ Savior= E-Sports wants to put one person on top. In other sports like soccer, it seems like they respect each other pretty well but I don't see that in E-Sports. No recognition for vast majority excluding few top players. Other players are trying very hard but people are ignoring them.
▲ Boxer= It is because E-Sports has room to grow. It is good to have one player on top to spread this sports.

-(Boxer to Savior) I ask you to do me a favor. I tried to do this before I went to army but I think it is late for me to do it now. I hope you can create a player union type of thing where influential players gather to create a better environment for less known player base.

▲ Savior= It is impossible to even imagine players from different teams to gather. Too much team based...
▲ Boxer= But if no action is taken, it will only get worse. Even after I returned from army, I thought that it was very unfair for players.
▲ Shim Hyun Team Manager= I think it is best if we make another time to discuss this matter. In the case of baseball league, a lot of places and people provided help for player association. I think it is same for e-Sports that we need a lot of help from people to do this.

- Through this interview we have shared alot of thoughts. How do you feel.
▲ Savior= It was a thing to worry about.. It was difficult to let this kind of thing out. Only someone who experienced this can understand it and I thought only Boxer has experienced this. After many talks, I can relate to and agree with a lot of things that he has said. It was short but I liked it a lot. I wish we could meet again privately (no gay talk plz). I'm happy this is over but at the same time, disappointed that it was short.
▲ Boxer= I think Savior is future of many players. I wish Savior's generation can achieve a lot that their previous generation couldn't achieve. I wish e-Sports-like e-sports scene becomes reality. I seem like asking too much favor. (Smiles). I wish many interesting events to occur in e-Sports. I was in basketball game recently and witnessed so many entertaining events. I hope e-Sports to improve in various areas. We lack number of stadiums and events that will prevents fans from getting bored.
▲ Boxer= Oh, and later we do this with "LimLeeChoiMa" all 4 together.
▲ Savior= I'm worried I talked too serious. Although It will be fresh to readers. (Smiles)


After the interview, the photo session for photos to be used in interview proceeded. Savior's solo cuts were proceeding and Boxer was interviewed while resting on a chair.

(During Savior's photo session...)
- You recently revealed you had a girfriend.
▲ Boxer= My girlfriend felt insecure. I wanted to announce whether I had gf or not to make her feel comfortable. I don't want to reveal any details. But I made it known because I had many girls approaching me.

- How is your practice going.
▲ Boxer= At first, I revised many strats and used them to win a lot. Recently, I'm working on fundamentals and am losing because of that. I'm working on basic stuff. When I get basics improved I'll use strats from past. I need basics the most at the moment.

- Many fans wait for your game in Winner's League.

▲ Boxer= If it was proleague system, sniping would have been possible. But now basics are more important with this system. If I'm in entry to play a zerg, we wouldn't know the next player from opponent so I don't think the coach will use me to get 1 kill. I need to try harder to meet coach's expectation.

- You are practicing in a proteam again after practicing in army. Isn't it any difficult?
▲ Boxer = I know how to climb back up to top but the first step was really tough. But it got better as I kept practicing more and more. I'm confident I can build a decent basics. My ambition is bigger though to be honest.

- As you get older is it physically harder?
▲ Boxer= My vision got bad. You have to make decision after analyzing given situation but because of bad eye vision I sometimes make delayed decision. I started to get bad results since wearing glasses which is really sad. Eye vision is important. I was 1.5 but now I'm 0.1. And it was measured 2 years ago. I tried playing without glasses but it felt like playing in a fog.

(During Boxer's session...)
- Don't you feel pressured about returning to top?
▲ Savior= I know a lot of people want my return. It's not that I know that. I also want to do good (Smiles). Some say they can't find a desire to win on my face but if I was such player, I would never have been recognized in the first place. I want to be recognized again, and work hard to feel that feeling again. I know the answer lies on me. I never said this but I'm also struggling mentally from this.

-You have many nicks. You get a nick whatever you do.
▲ Savior= I have many nicks. I can't even name them all. I get 2~3 nicks every time something happens. I like MaAeGuk one. I think I just have to go with these nicks whether I like them or not.
But I can't compromise my privacy. I can take it because I'm a progamer but it depresses me when people around me get hurt because of me.

- Playing vs Bisu and FBH could be a lot of pressure.
▲ Savior= In recent MSL grp selection, FHB said "Now playing with Savior is not helpful for me". But the fact that he was carrying that thought in his head was surprising. I don't understand why he would think like that. For one player to surpass another player is not simply about records vs each other but overall career. Even if I beat Boxer 100 times now I'm not actually winning him. That is my opinion.

I get pressure from extra attention and tension in playing vs FBH. When I said "I want to avoid FBH" in previous interview, that is what I meant. It is not simply 1 loss but I get more harms that affect my future games. I'm not afraid of defeat. But I meant that I don't want to pay it any attention since it could bring me more detrimental affect.

Bisu is different. Bisu can't be compared with FBH. He was good career with many wins in tournaments. Playing vs Bisu is different feeling from playing FBH. You wait for that game even if you lose.

- Your recent matches show poor performance in late game management.
▲ Savior= I wish the stadiums could be designed for played to focus better. I mean most efficient environment for players to concentrate on game. I believe stadium environment affects game performance. I personally wish a playing booth where you can't see outside from inside yet the other way is possible. Some players will agree and some will not but if that happens we will get better games. This can be criticized as an excuse but it's okay. Unlike past, I want a situation that I won't regret at all later.

- Nowadays, zergs are having hard time. JaeDong, however, is standing out with Queen usage.
▲ Savior= Complaining about race is not something that I can do now. To talk about JD's queen, queen looked good because JD used it. Anything looks good when used by good players. Starcraft race balance have never been fair regardless of map. Now we have maps playable for zergs but Protoss is still stronger. This is kind of thing players must overcome. Making map more favorable to zerg just because they are struggling is not right. I believe zerg era MUST come back. I'm confident about it, and I hope I play main role in that.

- Anything to fans?
▲ Savior= I have been progamer for long so there are many fans cheering for me. Although I also have anti-fans (Smiles). It gives me strength when I wonder If I can get this much people cheering for me if I did something other than gaming. I used to thank fans with generic sentences but I think I know for real now. It has been really helpful in resolving my mind.

yep its done. Completed. and its fuking long. god.
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