06-30-2012, 03:51 PM
Hi there,
I saw some bot which has "Mobs identification" before they open up a TP at Throne. It's awesome and I tried finding guides to it but to no avail. Scenario is as follow;
"Tp is up but careful!"
"4x Doom Knight"
"5x Venom Lord"
"7x Burning Lord" and etc . . It's an additional info which I find it useful, any ideas on how I could achieve it?
Also I notice that myPerhaps I would like it to advertise in a way it shows the game name with an increment of numbers every time for example Next game is KaosBaalz-01(First game), Next game is KaosBaalz-02 and etc. Is it possible?
I saw some bot which has "Mobs identification" before they open up a TP at Throne. It's awesome and I tried finding guides to it but to no avail. Scenario is as follow;
"Tp is up but careful!"
"4x Doom Knight"
"5x Venom Lord"
"7x Burning Lord" and etc . . It's an additional info which I find it useful, any ideas on how I could achieve it?
Also I notice that my
Say("Next game");
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "SCRIPT_END");