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Budylee's Complete List of Counters
Written by Budylee.

Zerg Counters:

Terran: Marines and Medics, Firebats, and/or Vultures.
Protoss: Zealots and High Templars, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Mutalisks, and/or Lurkers.

The Zergling is an extremely popular unit, and for good reason. A group of these beasts can rip a large amount of units apart within seconds once they get their upgrades. These are best handled by melee units with ranged or spellcasting units supporting them. Make sure to take advantage of their small size and tendency to group into tight formations with splash damage.

Terran: Marines and Medics, and/or Seige Tanks.
Protoss: High Templars and Zealots.
Zerg: Zerglings, Mutalisks, and/or Guardians.

Ah, the ever-overused Hydralisk. A powerful unit indeed, but if you handle them right your opponent will regret ever using them. What most fail to understand is Hydralisks do explosive damage; they only do a mere 5 damage to small units! Small units will tear these bad boys apart easily. Also, like Zerglings, these tend to group up into tight areas. A Protoss player can easily take out 6 or more Hydralisks with a single Psionic Storm.

Terran: Seige Tanks and Science Vessels.
Protoss: Dragoons and Observers, and/or High Templars.
Zerg: Mutalisks.

Lurkers are extremely useful units for Zerg. First of all, they require a detector to see and attack. Second of all, they do an impressive 20 damage with splash effects. Lurkers are especially effective in handling large groups of units with lower health amounts, such as Marines, Zerglings, and Peons. Ranged powerhouse units are the best way to defeat a group of Lurkers. And of course, just like all units that require teching, the best way to avoid being killed by Lurkers is to see them coming.

Terran: Marines and Medics.
Protoss: High Templars and Archons, and/or Corsairs.
Zerg: Scourge and Mutalisks.

As far as harassing your opponent goes, Mutalisks are the pinnacle of all Starcraft units. If you notice your opponent is building Mutalisks, you need to match their speed with one of two things: defense, or your own unit speed. Mutalisks have terrible range, so a couple of Archons, Bunkers, or Spore Colonies in your mineral areas will help tremendously. Also, these things are torn apart by any splash attacks.

Terran: Science Vessels.
Protoss: Corsairs, High Templars, and/or Dark Archons.
Zerg: Scourge and Mutalisks.

Guardians are incredibly powerful attacking units, but remember two things: they're slow, and they're vunerable to air. If you prepare sufficiently once you find out your opponent is building Guardians, you can kill the whole group before it even reaches your base. Spells like Irradiate and Psionic Storm will make Guardians disappear.

Terran: Marines, and/or Goliaths.
Protoss: Archons, Dragoons, and/or High Templars.
Zerg: Hydralisks.

The Devourer can be troublesome if you've built primarily air units, but just as you always should, group your air units with ground unit support.

Terran: Marines and Medics.
Protoss: Archons, and/or High Templars.
Zerg: Hydralisks.

Scourge are known as the capital ship killers. It's what they do best: kill big, powerful ships. So, how do you protect your Battlecruisers and Carriers from these things? I say the best way is to simply not build Battlecruisers and Carriers against Zerg in the first place. Hydralisks are already extremely effective against capital ships, and if your opponent throws Scourge into the mix, your 3000 minerals and gas invested on capital ships will be gone in mere moments.

Infested Terran:
Terran: Vultures, and/or Goliaths.
Protoss: Reavers, Dragoons, and High Templars.
Zerg: Mutalisks, and/or Hydralisks.

Known for their incredibly powerful suicide attack, Infested Terran can bring your base to rubble in a very short period of time. An opponent can use them to crush your economy, or annihilate your melee units. However, Infested Terran can't attack from a distance; they have to run into something to attack. Just outrange them, or once again, prevent your opponent from getting them, and they won't do you much harm. Watch out for Infested Terran drops in your worker areas as well.

Terran: Ledged Seige Tanks, Science Vessels, or Spider Mines.
Protoss: Archons, Dark Templars, High Templars, or Dragoons.
Zerg: Hydralisks, Mutalisks, and/or Lurkers.

The Ultralisk is probably the most underrated unit in Starcraft. The Ultralisk has 400 health, can move incredibly fast when upgraded, has a ton of armor, and an impressive attack power of 20. When grouped with a ton of Zerglings and Hydralisks, your units will automatically attack the Ultralisk, which will barely flinch at even the most poweful units' attacks. A solution to the Ultralisk meat tank strategy is Psionic Storm, Irradiate, or other splash damage: a few spells and your opponent will be left with just Ultralisks. Ultralisks alone are easily handled with numbers, but when grouped with other units, Ultralisks are dangerous. All you have to do is remove the groups, and the Ultralisks will crumble.

Terran: Science Vessels, and/or Firebats.
Protoss: High Templars, and/or Archons.
Zerg: Zerglings.

The Defiler is another Zerg unit that's most often tragically ignored by players. Dark Swarm is possibly the most useful spell in Starcraft, and with the ability to consume fellow Zerg units to restore its energy, the Defiler can win players many games. Irradiate is a popular counter to Defilers, and I'm mentioning this because Terran is the race that has the most trouble countering Dark Swarm. I've seen Terran players build up to 10 or even 15 Science Vessels for anti-Defiler reasons alone.

Zerg Overall:
Overall, Zerg is a very aggressive race. In a unit vs unit war, you aren't going to beat a Zerg, but spells, strategy, and splash are the best way to survive against the Zerg brood.

Terran Counters:

Terran: Vultures, and/or Seige Tanks.
Protoss: High Templars and Zealots, Dark Templars, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Lurkers.

When paired with Stim Pack, Medics, and more Marines, the Marine is a force to be reckoned with. Marines are the reason Zerg players have to resort to static defense early in a game against a Terran player. The way to take out Marines is with splash damage and high attack. Their only weakness is their health; only 40 points.

Terran: Vultures, and/or Seige Tanks.
Protoss: High Templars and Dragoons, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Lurkers, and/or Mutalisks.

The Firebat can mow small, melee units down like no other. However, they have two major weaknesses: their range, and their concussive damage. They do only 50% damage to medium-sized units, and a pitiful 25% damage to large-sized units. Do I even need to tell you to take advantage of this?

Terran: Vultures, and/or Seige Tanks.
Protoss: Zealots, Dark Templars, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Lurkers.

The Ghost isn't a very strong unit overall. While it has Lockdown, the ability to cloak, and the ability to nuke, its damage is Concussive. Just use large units and have detectors, and the Ghost won't do you any harm.

Terran: Seige Tanks with Comsat/Science Vessels.
Protoss: Dragoons with Observers.
Zerg: Hydralisks with Overlords.

When used correctly, the Vulture is one of the most deadly units in the game. A popular strategy is to upgrade the Vulture speed, and run around 8 Vultures straight to your opponent's minerals. Not many units can destroy an opponent's economy like the Vulture. However, just like the Firebat, the Vulture does concussive damage; only 50% damage to medium-sized units, and 25% damage to large-sized units. As long as your entrance is blocked, and you keep your ranged units with detectors in front, the Vulture and Spider Mine won't give you much trouble.

Seige Tank:
Terran: Seige Tanks, Dropships, and/or Wraiths.
Protoss: Zealots, Shuttles, and/or High Templars.
Zerg: Zerglings and Mutalisks, Defilers and Lurkers, Overlords, and/or Ultralisks.

Hoo boy. Here we go. The ever-popular, huge splash damage, huge range Seige Tank. Even though Seige Tanks do explosive damage, which means only 50% damage to small units, they can still lay waste to units of all sizes quite fast. How do you handle these? The answer is simple: get close. Seige Tanks can't attack units once they get closer than a certain range. Many Terran players advance with tons of Missle Turrets and spaced out Seige Tanks. This is a difficult strategy to handle, but with some well-placed spells, quick units and strategy, the Seige Tank can be defeated.

Terran: Seige Tanks.
Protoss: Dragoons, and/or Psionic Storm.
Zerg: Hydralisks.

The Goliath is known and used for its anti-air capabilities. While its ground attack is mediocre, it's nothing the units listed above can't handle. A lot of Terran players will pump Goliaths once you build Carriers as Protoss. Make them regret it with some Dragoons.

Terran: Corsairs, Goliaths and detectors.
Protoss: Dragoons, High Templars, and detectors.
Zerg: Hydralisks and detectors.

The Wraith is much like the Mutalisk: fast and good for harassing. However, while the Wraith is similar in terms of speed and damage, it lacks the Mutalisk's bouncing attack, but has the ability to cloak along with its far superior air attack. Basically, see Wraiths coming before they do. Prepare with ground units and detectors, and you will defeat Wraiths.

Science Vessel:
Terran: Wraiths, and/or Goliaths.
Protoss: Dragoons.
Zerg: Scourge.

The Science Vessel is my personal favorite detector. While it can attack, Irradiate is only troublesome for Zerg players. It's not really a high priority to take the Science Vessel out first, but if you want to do so, any powerful air attack will make them go away.

Terran: Goliaths.
Protoss: Dragoons.
Zerg: Hydralisks.

The Valkerie is extremely dangerous when put head to head against your air units. Since Valkeries will win 95% of air battles, the answer is to just not use air against Valkeries at all.

Terran: Goliaths and Ghosts, and/or Wraiths.
Protoss: Dragoons and Psionic Storm, and/or Dark Archons.
Zerg: Hydralisks and Scourge, and/or Mutalisks and Scourge.

The Battlecruiser is arguably the most powerful unit in the game. However, a large group of units will destroy it. A platoon of Battlecruisers can be tough to handle, but your mistake would be letting your opponent get a platoon of them in the first place.

Terran Overall:
Terran is a very strategy-based race. Most units have an ability that increases their power tremendously: the Marine has Stim Pack, the Seige Tank has Seige Mode, the Vulture can lay Spider Mines, and the Battlecruiser has Yamato Cannon. An absolute necessity when playing against Terran is to be aware of what they're doing. Terran units have many weaknesses, so exploit these weaknesses to defeat your Terran opponents.

Protoss Counters:

Terran: Vultures.
Protoss: Reavers.
Zerg: Zerglings, and/or Hydralisks.

The Zealot is by far the most powerful beginning unit. With its 16 attack power and upgradeable speed, it's not uncommon for Protoss players to continue building Zealots throughout the game. Your best bet is to outnumber it or pummel it from afar. Remember that it's a small unit though.

Terran: Seige Tanks, and/or Marines.
Protoss: Zealots and Psionic Storm, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Zerglings, and/or Hydralisks.

Dragoons can be quite deadly if your opponent knows when to build them. However, they do explosive damage; use this to your advantage. Small, fast units are best against Dragoons, so it's all about their range against your numbers.

High Templar:
Terran: Seige Tanks, and/or Vultures.
Protoss: Zealots.
Zerg: Ultralisks.

The High Templar is possibly the most deadly unit in the game. All it takes is one Psionic Storm for someone to turn a battle around completely. It's hard to dodge Psionic Storm, so my recommendation is force your units to go for the High Templars first.

Dark Templar:
Terran: Vultures with Spider Mines, and Scanner Sweep/Science Vessels.
Protoss: Reavers, and Observers.
Zerg: Hydralisks and Overlords.

Dark Templars WILL tear you apart if you don't see them coming. Keep and eye on your Protoss opponents. If you see them building an early Assilimator and Cybernetics Core/Citadel of Adun, it's time to get Photon Cannons/Observers NOW. If you wait, you'll lose. Other than this, the Dark Templar has a massive attack power of 40. The major weakness of the Dark Templar is it's slow. Ranged units are truly the way to go against it.

Terran: Ledged Seige Tanks, and/or Goliaths.
Protoss: Reavers, and/or Dark Templars.
Zerg: Hydralisks.

The Archon is a powerhouse. It's a lot like the Ultralisk, and can turn any battle around in seconds. It's absolutely crucial to outnumber and outrange it.

Terran: Seige Tanks.
Protoss: Psionic Storm and Dragoons.
Zerg: Mutalisks.

The Reaver is the king of splash damage attacks. Its range of 8 and 100 attack power make it dangerous to all races. However, it's the slowest unit in the game and doesn't attack air. Use air against it, or just avoid it all together. You won't see many players building these in quantity; they require a lot of investing and have too many weaknesses for that.

Dark Archon:
Terran: Seige Tanks, and/or Goliaths.
Protoss: Dragoons, and/or Reavers.
Zerg: Hydralisks and Zerglings.

Dark Archons are seldom seen, but are very effective units. Maelstrom can be big trouble for Zerg, and Mind Control can be put to extremely good use against capital ships. Big, strong, expensive units are never the way to wipe out Dark Archons.

Terran: Goliaths.
Protoss: Dragoons.
Zerg: Hydralisks, and/or Spore Colonies.

The only time a Corsair can be a real threat to a player is when the enemy builds them to wipe out the player's Overlords. If your opponent is teching to do this, call your Overlords back, upgrade their speed, plant a Hydralisk Den and have Hydralisks with your Overlords at all times. It's pretty much as simple as that.

Terran: Goliaths.
Protoss: Dragoons.
Zerg: Hyralisks and Scourge.

Scouts are easy. Attack them from the ground and your opponent will regret ever wasting all of those minerals on them.

Terran: Goliaths and Ghosts, and/or Wraiths.
Protoss: Dark Archons, Dragoons, Psionic Storm, and/or Scouts.
Zerg: Hydralisks and Scourge.

This is the king of them all. Probably the most powerful unit in the game, the Carrier can be VERY difficult to handle. Make sure you attack the Carrier itself; do NOT attack the Interceptors. Terran players need to be especially cautious of Carriers. If someone is ledging a Carrier so you can't attack it, you can scan the cliff with Goliaths on hand to make the player retreat his forces. Most importantly, try to prevent your opponent from getting Carriers in the first place.

Terran: Goliaths, and/or Wraiths.
Protoss: Dragoons, and/or Scouts.
Zerg: Scourge.

The Arbiter's main power is it can cloak units surrounding it. If you can't attack them because you can't see them, get a detector or just aim for the Arbiter itself. No big deal.

Protoss Overall:
Protoss has the most powerful units in the game, but has a lot of trouble with mustering a large force. Zerg is the best race against Protoss because they can build units cheaply, quickly, and in large quantities. Try to isolate and destroy Protoss groups, and NEVER leave a Protoss alone for 10 minutes; you'll regret it when 30 Zealots, 10 Archons, and 5 High Templars come knocking at your door.

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