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what should we do to get support?
Ok thankyou for clearing that up i was confused lol @_@
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
(off topic) i really love ur avatar you can stare all day lol
give me a rep point rofl Big Grin everyone says that
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
only if i knew how to give rep points...
lol you see the the bottom if my rep there is a folder with a check mark and an x click that
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
i did it i hope u get 1 Smile
well i dont hink its fair to call kerry a chicken at least he has war experiance where bush only trained for war he never really experienced it.
and as for gay adoption i really dont know what to say about that but what i feel is that if the child grows up in a loving caring supporting enviroment then let them there really no proof that its bad for the childs well being in fact it might make the child more reasonable (lack of a better word) when it comes to racism and gay/lesbian tolerance and a with bunch of other things. about abortions i still havent made a desicion in my own mind about that and as for adoption most ppl either give up there child cause of unproteced sex aka unplanned child or because they are forced to give up their child because of the state. the state will see that the parents arent making enough money and force them to put them up for adoption or into foster homes and i agree with you in the in the fact that adults still see teenagers as kids i mean were coming of age and if we lack our own knowledge of things we will just be lost when it come to things in life these are the times where adults talk to us about current events so we know how to react to things in our own lifes. thats why i love my history teachers when they allow us to do current events and let us discuss them.
Yea what i think is that parents dont like what young people have to say because they think they are inexpirienced but i believe that really isnt true i know more about the issue's of the world today then many adults i know
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
abortion: should be a persons choice, thats the smartest way leaving it to be legal but looked down upon. i myself enjoy having choices/freedom rather then nothing.

btw abortion shouldnt be classified as murder, if every time u did it with someone and didnt get them...... it would be murder.
Ok let me try to see what your saying
Every time you have sex with someone and dont get them impregnated that would be murder? no it wouldnt the egg is not any close to being developed into anything remotly living it needs to be fertalized for a living creature to actually be there.
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
well i am for no abortion but
if you count it as murder then when you are born you should be 9 months old then b/c murder is killing of a living human being.. so we would all be 9 months old when we are born (supposedly)
omg ur an idiot

*** u awhole
u shouln't talk about murder
see thats the prob we dont know when life actually begins so we dont know if we are murdering some one thats why im really undecided on that topic pwnage never call ne one anything for any reason there is no need for it and it only causes more violence and if you continue i will get a moderator and have you banned from this thread
you come into this world when the sprem hits the egg thats when life beings im for abortion a womens body is her own business
so what all for killing a baby? and the babie isnt made right when the sperm comes in contact with the egg there is a more complicated process and ownage if you have nothing to say on this topic get out of the thread you dont need to say that shit
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
I am the mother of 3 kids...but before that I lost 3 in misscarriages((called by doctors ~spontaneous abortions~))...So I can tell you from personal experience I mourned the loss of every pregnancy!In my mind....they were my *unborn* babies! My last child was concieved against all odds I was using 2 forms of contraception....1 of which was an internal device...and the doctors recomended strongly that I abort....I the risk of my own life!..To make a long story shorter...I now have a beautifull 16 year old daughter......I am happy I said NO! But on another note I think it is the womans choice....her body...I made my choice...and I beleive thats how it SHOULD be!...Ownage...behave or Ill ban you myself...this is the only warning you will ever get from me...are we clear?

This thread has strayed so far off topic I think it has served its purpose...If abortion is what you want to discuss start a thread in Flame wars please!

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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