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no, thats 1 thing it cant do is tell you the max ram, only way you can find out (at least i would think) is look into your motherboard (on the net) and find out the biggest ram it can handle, or buy some and see if it works, if not return it and tell them it didnt work.

splintercell Wrote:(and mpeck, i was asking how you have it installed)
if ya mean how is in how was it installed, then i couldnt really tell ya, cause my dad set it all up while i was at school
Quote:im pretty sure its the bit width. like the speed cuz ddr means double data rate. so ddr it fast alone then 266 is faster than 233 so ya. i recomend RIMM its more expensive but its exetremely fast.

233 266 333 400 etc. stands for the bus speed

the type of motherboard you have determines what kind of memory you can use. for example if your motherboard uses ddr but you memory bus speed is only 333 you can't use ddr400 RAM. and if you use SDRAM than DDR won't even fit in you module. to figure this out open up you comp and take out the DIMM. if it has two etches in the bottom one in the middle and one a little off to the side its SDRAM if it has one etch at the bottom right in the middle its DDR. than use aida32 or another hardware detection program to find out what bus speed it is.
U said if the motherboard bus speed is 333 but if u use ddr400 ram cwill the ram still work at the speed of 333?
whats the diff between ddr and ram lol...
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A|fzZz Wrote:U said if the motherboard bus speed is 333 but if u use ddr400 ram cwill the ram still work at the speed of 333?
whats the diff between ddr and ram lol...

ddr is ram ddr is just ddr ram(double data rate random access memory) its fast but rimm (rdram) is fastest and yes 4sylum is right its bus speed i forgot what it was b4 (thx for reminding :p ) the motherboard's bus speed will cap the rams speed (i think) so if ur motherboard is running 233 and ur ram is at 266 it will run at 233 (thats what i think) its so damn confusing lol. the best thing to do is buy the same ram as what u have and just put 'em in. but if u have no more open sockets, get the model numbers of ur current ram and just find the next lvl of memory (e.g. 2sticks of 128 to 2 sticks of 512) then u could maybe sell the lower memory sticks towards the new ones.
bus speed of ur motherboard or processor? cause my motherboard can handle up to 800, but the precessor is only 400 (AMD), and that CPU-Z program i put a link to earlier will tell you what kind of ram you have (SDRAM or DDR)
kick *** program dude...sry if this is spam
Yea nice link there mpeck, and your dad set it up for you? BLAH weak man lol. O well you still have an uber bad *** comp. Alfzz pretty much everyone in here has covered everything i can think of to help you, unless you were to post motherboard model numbers and other partnumbers and let someone look them up for you. In any case, good luck with the upgrades, I'll check in from time to time.
ya alfzz send out the rep points :p
Quote:that CPU-Z program i put a link to earlier will tell you what kind of ram you have (SDRAM or DDR)

yeah but its more fun to take them out Smile i don't know i love taking apart/building/fixing comps i'm wierd like that.
me too. A+ certified in OSes and hardware. passed each test with like 15 points each :p
hey i'm the same way, I love breaking them down then putting them back better or something, lol. It's a sense of accomplishment for me.
i still dunno what's the site to check the specs of how much max ram and stuffs...
CPU-Z can?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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I don't think it will tell you max capacity. For that you will likely need to check your model numbers on your motherboard . If you can't see them on the motherboard itself, you can probably find out somehow through your computer. If not, I'm sure there is a program that will tell you.
How do i check it?
Any sites/
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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4sylum Wrote:yeah but its more fun to take them out Smile i don't know i love taking apart/building/fixing comps i'm wierd like that.
lol, ya, but i'm lazy
I don't have any sites/programs that will identify chipest models and such right now, unless i find it in cpu-z, then I'll have to get back to you on that. If someone else has one or knows where to get a program to ID chipsets plz post it.
this is another program......i believe it shows chipset info also, someone with a pentium 4 (4.0 ghz....or close, if anyone has) dl that and run the benchmark test, and post ur results for the CPU Benchmark, and FPU benchmark plz....i wanna see how my computer compares
Nice, except that it's only trial software. Do you have a crack for it?

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