12-10-2004, 01:35 PM
Neophase's Treasure of Gold Trade List
Unq Manald 5%
Unq Manald 7%
Unq Nagel 17%
Unq Nagel 29%
Unq Dwarfstar x3
Unq Crescent Moon 13/5
Unq Crescent Moon 12/4
Unq Crescent Moon Amulet - 15/5
Unq Saraca's Chance Amulet - 21/12
Unq Ormus Robes Dusk Shroud ETH 13cold/11fire/14light/3firebolt/15regen
Unq Ormus Robes Dusk Shroud 14cold/13fire/11light/3inferno/13regen
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Spirit Forge Linked Mail - 2 open sockets - ETH
Unq Peasant Crown War Hat
Unq Nosferatu's Coil Vampirefang Belt
Unq The Ward Gothic Shield
Unq Lightsabre Phase Blade - 171% ED, 7% MS
Unq Spectral Shard Blade
Unq Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin
Unq Fleshrender Barbed Club
Unq Flamebellow Balrog Blade
Unq Razorswitch Jo Staff
Unq Demon's Arch Balrog Spear
Unq Baranar's Star Devil Star x2
Unq Witchwild String Short Siege Bow - 2 open sockets
Unq Goldstrike Arch Gothic Bow - 248% ED
Unq Black Hades Chaos Armor - 3 open sockets
Unq Medusa's Gaze Aegis Shield
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Blackhorn's Face Death Mask
Unq Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves
Unq Nightsmoke Belt
Unq String of Ears Demonhide Sash - 6% ls, 13% dmg red, mgc dmg12
Unq Boneflesh Platemail
Unq Goblin Toe Light Plated Boots
Unq Valkyrye Wing Winged Helm
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 200% - 2 open sockets
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 211% - 2 open sockets
Unq Goldskin Full Plate Mail
Unq Doombringer Champion Sword
Unq Gimmershred Flying Axe
Unq Wizardspike Bone Knife
Unq Hellrack Colossus Crossbow
Unq Bloodmoon Elegant Blade
Unq Arm of King Leoric Tomb Wand
Unq Warshrike Winged Knife
Unq Eaglehorn Crusader Bow
Unq Flamebellow Balrog Blade
Unq Nord's Tenderizer Truncheon - 292% ED, 165% Bonus AR, Freeze Targ +3, Cold ab 14%
Unq Nord's Tenderizer Truncheon - 295% ED, 178% Bonus AR, Freeze Targ +4, Cold ab 13%
Unq Hellrack Colossus Crossbow - 2 open sockets
Unq Zakarum's Hand Rune Scepter
Unq The Atlantean Ancient Sword
Unq Headstriker Battle Sword
Unq Ali Baba Tulwar UNID
Unq Stormshield Monarch Shield - Dirty - Perf Diamond
Unq Steelclash Kite Shield
Unq Demon's Horn Edge Destroyer Helm
Unq Wolfhowl Fury Visor
Unq Skin of the Flayed One Demonhide Armor
Unq Wall of the Eyeless Bone Shield
Unq Crown of Thieves Grand Crown - 9% LS
Unq Rockfleece Fieldplate
Unq Atma's Wail Embossed Plate
Unq Infernostride Demonhide Boots
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Gloom's Trap Mesh Belt
Unq Gore Rider War Boots
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 2 open sockets
Unq Lightsaber Phaseblade 190% ED, 5% MS
Unq Blood Raven Charge Matriarchal Bow
Unq Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin
Unq Eschuta's Temper Eldritch Orb - 2sk/40fcr/14fire/11light/21energy
Unq Silkweave Mesh Boots
Unq Demon limb Tyrant Club
Set Naj's Staff
Set Naj's Armor
Set IK War Gauntlets
Set Hwanin's Belt x2
Set Wilhelm's Pride Battle Belt x2
Set Natalya's Grim Helm
Set Mavina's Gauntlets
Set Hwanin's Bill
Set IK Maul - 37cb
Set Mavina Sharkskin Belt - UNID
Set mavina Sharkskin Belt
Set IK War Belt
Set Reinforced Mace UNID
Set Mavina Grand Matron Bow
Set IK Ogre Maul - 40cb
Set Aldur's Deception Shadow Plate - 46lres
Set Aldur's Deception Shadow Plate - 45lres
Set Aldur's Advance Battle Boots
Set Sazabi's Menteal Sheath Basinet
Set Trang Oul's Bone Visage
Set IK War Belt
Set Laying of Hands Bramble Mitts
Set Sazabi's Balrog Skin
Set Griswold's Ornate Plate - 3 open sockets
Set Griswold's Ornate Plate UNID
Set Guillaume's Face (Orphan Call) Winged Helm
Set Natalya Loricated Mail
Set Infernal torch Grim Wand
Set Vidala's Light Plated Boots
Set Hsaru's Chain Boots
Set Mavina Battle Gauntlets
Magical Ornate plate - 3/4 sockets = 3 p topaz = 72%, dmg reduced by 11
Magical Sacred armor - 113% ED - 1280 defense
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, +9str
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, repl quant
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries
Magical Greater Claws - 287% ED, +1 Dragontail, +4 str
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, -20% Req
Magical Winged Harpoon - +3 warcries, 10% IAS
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries, +1str
Magical Spiculum - 296% ED, 7% LS
Magical Balanced Knife - +3 warcries
Magical Grand Scepter of the Bear: +2 conc, +1 blessed hammer, knockback
Magical Wirefleece - 3/3 Sockets p topaz = 72% MF, +70life
Magical Circlet: +3 traps, mgc dmg red by 3
Magical Great Hauberk: 163% ED, 72life, 1320Def
Amulet: +3 offensive auras (pal)
Amulet: +3 lightning skills (sorc)
Amulet: +3 traps (assassin)
Amulet: lvl2 teleport - 25charges
Amulet: +29 all res, 97life
Amulet: 34% MF, +18 all res
Rare Crusader Bow: 226% ED, +.5max dmg/clvl, +13min dmg, +22AR/clvl, cold res 22%
Rare Ghost Spear: 294% ED, 40% IAS, +1 Warcries (Barb), +25AR, +1max dmg, 5% chance casting lvl3 ice bolt on attack
Rare Chain Gloves: Coldres 16, lightres 22, poisres 13, 16% MF, lvl3 powerstrike 27 charges, +3dex
Rare Battle Boots: 20% Faster r/w, +15AR, +51% ED, coldres 9, lightres 9, 17% MF, +1 light rad, 72 Def
Rare Circlet: 20% fast cast, +6min dmg, All res +19
Rare Throwing Spear: 280% ED, 20% IAS, +125AR, 19-52cold dmg, 6% MS, 9% LS
Rare Broad Sword: 303% ED, +1max dmg, +86AR, 5% MS, 5% LS
Rare Stygian Pike - 117% ED, 40% IAS, 21AR, repl life +4, Lightres 8%, 12% chance lvl4 nova on strike, ETH
Rare Fuscina - 330% ED, 20% IAS, 85AR, 7-24cold dmg, 7pois dmg/3 sec, 10% chance lvl3 nova on strike
Rare Hyperion Javelin - 272% ED, 9min dmg, 2max dmg, 138AR, 1-91Light dmg, 5MS
Rare Stygian Pilum - 127% ED, 87AR, 1-3 cold dmg, 7% MS, 5% LS, increased stack size quant140
Rare Light Plated Boots - 20% Faster r/w, 20% MF, repairs 1 dur/20 sec
Rare Eldritch Orb: +2 sor skills, 19-57fire dmg, 1bliz, 1shiverarmor, 2nova, 28life, mgc dmg red by 3, lvl7 frost nova 56
Rare Fury Visor Dirty: +2 barb skills, 39% ED!, 1battlecommand, 2BO, 3shout, 79% ED, 2energy, 16life, repair 1 dur/33sec, 270Def
Thul x5
Amn x9
Sol x3
Shael x2
Dol x4
Nef Rune x14
Ort Rune x5
Ral Rune x9
Hel Rune x3
Lo Rune (lvl35) x4
Lum Rune x7
Ko Rune x3
Fal Rune x2
Pul Rune x1
Mal Rune x1
Gul Rune x1
GC: Barb Combat skills, 27life
GC: Pal Def Auras
GC: Barb Masteries, 2-4fire dmg
SC: +3 all res
SC: 4% MF
SC: 4% MF
SC: 7% MF
GC: 7% Faster r/w, 4% MF
GC: +33mana, 12% fhr
GC: +10 all res
GC: 10% MF, 17life
GC: +31life, 27% poisres
SC: +50pois dmg/6sec
SC: +50pois dmg/4sec
SC: +50pois dmg/4sec
SC: +100pois dmg/5sec, 5% fhr
SC: 1-26light dmg
LC: 1-82light dmg
LC: +6max dmg, 21AR
LC: +3max dmg, 16AR, 5% faster r/w
LC: +31life
LC: +28life
LC: +27life
LC: +15life
LC: +175pois dmg/6sec
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
Archon Plate ETH 763Def
Phase Blade - 6 open sockets
Carnage Helm - 3 open sockets - 2BO, 2Grimward, 1Nat res
Lacquered Plate - 4 open sockets - 5% ED
Hellforge Plate - 4 open sockets
Grim Shield - 2 open sockets
Troll Nest - 2 open sockets
Grim Shield - 2 open sockets
Loricated Mail - 4 open sockets
Perf Gems x68
Jewel: 15% IAS x3
Jewel: 30% ED
Jewel: 23% ED, +9str
Jewel: 20% ED
Jewel: 25% ED
Jewel: -15% Req
Jewel: 8% MF
Jewel: 6% MF
Jewel: -15% req x3
Jewel: 25% ED, 3dex
I want:
MF items such as:
Ist runes
War travs x2
upg goldwrap
stealskull 49-50% or 73-74 with p topaz
Tal rasha armor, belt, amulet + rest of set
Griswold set
High level runes over Shael only please.
the best swords in the game, dmg reduced by __% items... sojs, etc.
Unq Manald 5%
Unq Manald 7%
Unq Nagel 17%
Unq Nagel 29%
Unq Dwarfstar x3
Unq Crescent Moon 13/5
Unq Crescent Moon 12/4
Unq Crescent Moon Amulet - 15/5
Unq Saraca's Chance Amulet - 21/12
Unq Ormus Robes Dusk Shroud ETH 13cold/11fire/14light/3firebolt/15regen
Unq Ormus Robes Dusk Shroud 14cold/13fire/11light/3inferno/13regen
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Spirit Forge Linked Mail - 2 open sockets - ETH
Unq Peasant Crown War Hat
Unq Nosferatu's Coil Vampirefang Belt
Unq The Ward Gothic Shield
Unq Lightsabre Phase Blade - 171% ED, 7% MS
Unq Spectral Shard Blade
Unq Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin
Unq Fleshrender Barbed Club
Unq Flamebellow Balrog Blade
Unq Razorswitch Jo Staff
Unq Demon's Arch Balrog Spear
Unq Baranar's Star Devil Star x2
Unq Witchwild String Short Siege Bow - 2 open sockets
Unq Goldstrike Arch Gothic Bow - 248% ED
Unq Black Hades Chaos Armor - 3 open sockets
Unq Medusa's Gaze Aegis Shield
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Blackhorn's Face Death Mask
Unq Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves
Unq Nightsmoke Belt
Unq String of Ears Demonhide Sash - 6% ls, 13% dmg red, mgc dmg12
Unq Boneflesh Platemail
Unq Goblin Toe Light Plated Boots
Unq Valkyrye Wing Winged Helm
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 200% - 2 open sockets
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 211% - 2 open sockets
Unq Goldskin Full Plate Mail
Unq Doombringer Champion Sword
Unq Gimmershred Flying Axe
Unq Wizardspike Bone Knife
Unq Hellrack Colossus Crossbow
Unq Bloodmoon Elegant Blade
Unq Arm of King Leoric Tomb Wand
Unq Warshrike Winged Knife
Unq Eaglehorn Crusader Bow
Unq Flamebellow Balrog Blade
Unq Nord's Tenderizer Truncheon - 292% ED, 165% Bonus AR, Freeze Targ +3, Cold ab 14%
Unq Nord's Tenderizer Truncheon - 295% ED, 178% Bonus AR, Freeze Targ +4, Cold ab 13%
Unq Hellrack Colossus Crossbow - 2 open sockets
Unq Zakarum's Hand Rune Scepter
Unq The Atlantean Ancient Sword
Unq Headstriker Battle Sword
Unq Ali Baba Tulwar UNID
Unq Stormshield Monarch Shield - Dirty - Perf Diamond
Unq Steelclash Kite Shield
Unq Demon's Horn Edge Destroyer Helm
Unq Wolfhowl Fury Visor
Unq Skin of the Flayed One Demonhide Armor
Unq Wall of the Eyeless Bone Shield
Unq Crown of Thieves Grand Crown - 9% LS
Unq Rockfleece Fieldplate
Unq Atma's Wail Embossed Plate
Unq Infernostride Demonhide Boots
Unq Duriel's Shell Cuirass
Unq Gloom's Trap Mesh Belt
Unq Gore Rider War Boots
Unq Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - 2 open sockets
Unq Lightsaber Phaseblade 190% ED, 5% MS
Unq Blood Raven Charge Matriarchal Bow
Unq Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin
Unq Eschuta's Temper Eldritch Orb - 2sk/40fcr/14fire/11light/21energy
Unq Silkweave Mesh Boots
Unq Demon limb Tyrant Club
Set Naj's Staff
Set Naj's Armor
Set IK War Gauntlets
Set Hwanin's Belt x2
Set Wilhelm's Pride Battle Belt x2
Set Natalya's Grim Helm
Set Mavina's Gauntlets
Set Hwanin's Bill
Set IK Maul - 37cb
Set Mavina Sharkskin Belt - UNID
Set mavina Sharkskin Belt
Set IK War Belt
Set Reinforced Mace UNID
Set Mavina Grand Matron Bow
Set IK Ogre Maul - 40cb
Set Aldur's Deception Shadow Plate - 46lres
Set Aldur's Deception Shadow Plate - 45lres
Set Aldur's Advance Battle Boots
Set Sazabi's Menteal Sheath Basinet
Set Trang Oul's Bone Visage
Set IK War Belt
Set Laying of Hands Bramble Mitts
Set Sazabi's Balrog Skin
Set Griswold's Ornate Plate - 3 open sockets
Set Griswold's Ornate Plate UNID
Set Guillaume's Face (Orphan Call) Winged Helm
Set Natalya Loricated Mail
Set Infernal torch Grim Wand
Set Vidala's Light Plated Boots
Set Hsaru's Chain Boots
Set Mavina Battle Gauntlets
Magical Ornate plate - 3/4 sockets = 3 p topaz = 72%, dmg reduced by 11
Magical Sacred armor - 113% ED - 1280 defense
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, +9str
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, repl quant
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries
Magical Greater Claws - 287% ED, +1 Dragontail, +4 str
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries
Magical Glaive - +3 warcries, -20% Req
Magical Winged Harpoon - +3 warcries, 10% IAS
Magical Throwing Spear - +3 warcries, +1str
Magical Spiculum - 296% ED, 7% LS
Magical Balanced Knife - +3 warcries
Magical Grand Scepter of the Bear: +2 conc, +1 blessed hammer, knockback
Magical Wirefleece - 3/3 Sockets p topaz = 72% MF, +70life
Magical Circlet: +3 traps, mgc dmg red by 3
Magical Great Hauberk: 163% ED, 72life, 1320Def
Amulet: +3 offensive auras (pal)
Amulet: +3 lightning skills (sorc)
Amulet: +3 traps (assassin)
Amulet: lvl2 teleport - 25charges
Amulet: +29 all res, 97life
Amulet: 34% MF, +18 all res
Rare Crusader Bow: 226% ED, +.5max dmg/clvl, +13min dmg, +22AR/clvl, cold res 22%
Rare Ghost Spear: 294% ED, 40% IAS, +1 Warcries (Barb), +25AR, +1max dmg, 5% chance casting lvl3 ice bolt on attack
Rare Chain Gloves: Coldres 16, lightres 22, poisres 13, 16% MF, lvl3 powerstrike 27 charges, +3dex
Rare Battle Boots: 20% Faster r/w, +15AR, +51% ED, coldres 9, lightres 9, 17% MF, +1 light rad, 72 Def
Rare Circlet: 20% fast cast, +6min dmg, All res +19
Rare Throwing Spear: 280% ED, 20% IAS, +125AR, 19-52cold dmg, 6% MS, 9% LS
Rare Broad Sword: 303% ED, +1max dmg, +86AR, 5% MS, 5% LS
Rare Stygian Pike - 117% ED, 40% IAS, 21AR, repl life +4, Lightres 8%, 12% chance lvl4 nova on strike, ETH
Rare Fuscina - 330% ED, 20% IAS, 85AR, 7-24cold dmg, 7pois dmg/3 sec, 10% chance lvl3 nova on strike
Rare Hyperion Javelin - 272% ED, 9min dmg, 2max dmg, 138AR, 1-91Light dmg, 5MS
Rare Stygian Pilum - 127% ED, 87AR, 1-3 cold dmg, 7% MS, 5% LS, increased stack size quant140
Rare Light Plated Boots - 20% Faster r/w, 20% MF, repairs 1 dur/20 sec
Rare Eldritch Orb: +2 sor skills, 19-57fire dmg, 1bliz, 1shiverarmor, 2nova, 28life, mgc dmg red by 3, lvl7 frost nova 56
Rare Fury Visor Dirty: +2 barb skills, 39% ED!, 1battlecommand, 2BO, 3shout, 79% ED, 2energy, 16life, repair 1 dur/33sec, 270Def
Thul x5
Amn x9
Sol x3
Shael x2
Dol x4
Nef Rune x14
Ort Rune x5
Ral Rune x9
Hel Rune x3
Lo Rune (lvl35) x4
Lum Rune x7
Ko Rune x3
Fal Rune x2
Pul Rune x1
Mal Rune x1
Gul Rune x1
GC: Barb Combat skills, 27life
GC: Pal Def Auras
GC: Barb Masteries, 2-4fire dmg
SC: +3 all res
SC: 4% MF
SC: 4% MF
SC: 7% MF
GC: 7% Faster r/w, 4% MF
GC: +33mana, 12% fhr
GC: +10 all res
GC: 10% MF, 17life
GC: +31life, 27% poisres
SC: +50pois dmg/6sec
SC: +50pois dmg/4sec
SC: +50pois dmg/4sec
SC: +100pois dmg/5sec, 5% fhr
SC: 1-26light dmg
LC: 1-82light dmg
LC: +6max dmg, 21AR
LC: +3max dmg, 16AR, 5% faster r/w
LC: +31life
LC: +28life
LC: +27life
LC: +15life
LC: +175pois dmg/6sec
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
SC: 3% faster r/w
Archon Plate ETH 763Def
Phase Blade - 6 open sockets
Carnage Helm - 3 open sockets - 2BO, 2Grimward, 1Nat res
Lacquered Plate - 4 open sockets - 5% ED
Hellforge Plate - 4 open sockets
Grim Shield - 2 open sockets
Troll Nest - 2 open sockets
Grim Shield - 2 open sockets
Loricated Mail - 4 open sockets
Perf Gems x68
Jewel: 15% IAS x3
Jewel: 30% ED
Jewel: 23% ED, +9str
Jewel: 20% ED
Jewel: 25% ED
Jewel: -15% Req
Jewel: 8% MF
Jewel: 6% MF
Jewel: -15% req x3
Jewel: 25% ED, 3dex
I want:
MF items such as:
Ist runes
War travs x2
upg goldwrap
stealskull 49-50% or 73-74 with p topaz
Tal rasha armor, belt, amulet + rest of set
Griswold set
High level runes over Shael only please.
the best swords in the game, dmg reduced by __% items... sojs, etc.