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stupidest thin you have ever done
well i wanna here the stupid things people have done, mine would probably be the time i did a backflip into my friends pool did it great first time but second wasnt so nice........
be on a soccer team cuz i absolutely hate it
no offense to soccer players out there

woot! 200th post! im an evil cow!
Stupidest thing I ever did...dated a sophmore when I was a senior in highschool. Never do that, any of you...they might be extremely hot, but so damn immature...:Confusedhudders::
i had a hill in my backyard and a its a complete 90 degree dropoff and i jumped off of it with my little sisters barbie pink bike onto m garage rite un der the hill.....busted my balls on it ow and had to buy my sis a new bike
hahahha, mine is doing a backflip on my skates off a ramp, i dont wanna do it again
[Image: userbar579271ff0.gif]
Pamela : What in the hell are drugs? 0.o I take ibuprofin...
Trying to get a deer on a snowmobile nice barral roll trying to get them lol but i would do it agian lol
Getting into d2 and various other games.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Writing this post is the most stupidiest thing ive ever done.
well back before my father moved he had this pond in his backyard and up above there is a huge hill on a high incline...... anyway so my friends and i decide to try and jump the gap in the pond and end bottom line is we didnt make it.
when my cousin set me up on a date with a girl who knew before... he said shes a whore & i can get her into bed in our first date... well when i saw her, shes a fat *** ugly chick that looks like a gay... so i just told her that i need to go to school to escape from her...

lesson: make sure to get all the details.. lol
Well, most recently i took a sled down the niagra escarpment..Fun Fun.
i jumped off the roof of a 2 story house with a skateboard and tried landing on a trampolin but i missed and broke both of my ankles and fractured my shin bone........dont try that at all
I was really drunk..and had to pee so I went on the side of this shed thing, and it was my friends place, and his landlord saw me and ran out in the middle of the night yelling, 'HEY don't you **** on my shed, I'm coming over there to **** on YOU!' and he chased me and I was scared so bad of getting urinated upon ^.^' I never went to my friends house again until he moved.
Umm i did a frontflip out of a tree and busted my head on the edge fo a trampoline once...
probably gonna do it agian just so i can prove i can land it but ehh... losing some brain function never hurt...
I tried to get out of my room. (grounded, door was locked,) Then i cut a hole in my window screen and jumped out. (my room was on the 3rd floor.) I got really hurt bad.
my friend and i tried to jump from his shed into his pool...if only i could jump i might not have missed...That hurt a lot...

last night my friends took me snowboarding and i tried to do a back flip but instead i ended up doing a faceplant...not stupid but it hurt really much fun...
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
lol.. ouch.

Stupidest thing I've ever done would probably when my friends and I decided to film some Jackass stuff. We were using wrestling moves on eachother and one of my friends suplexed me onto a thorn bush... I was so bloody afterward lol. It was fun,
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
When i was barely learing to pole vault i was messing around with my pole in the grass (like coach said not to) and my pole like slid outta the grass into the air and i fell from lie 8 feet up onto me wrist and broke it. OUCHY.
Pissed on an electric fence while using a cheese-grater my ball sack.
TooMuchProzac! Wrote:Pissed on an electric fence while using a cheese-grater my ball sack.
whut do u mean cheese-grater my ball sack? U used a cheese grater on ur ball sack?

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