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My Bar
*realises his sword is still drawn and sheaths it, not seeing any imediate danger in the sittuations that are currently occuring.*

*Pulls up a bar stool and sits at the bar contemplating*
*the vortex begins to flip out and closes immediatly upon feeling my presence drawing close*
"she had an image, she had an image"
*wiggles out of the tech*
"we get to go ona another quest hahaaha more killing yes!!!"
"poo i really wanted to go in that tv vortex*
screw the vortex we get another killing spree!!!!
*has been gone a while but is back now* *sorry for my absence, am working alot* *must go see you all later*
*Shaking her head slightly Pamela realizes she is at her her bar...and not on a bloody battlefield watching a warrior fight*
*She wonders what his words mean and ...thru some womans intuition ,knows that she will meet this man one day*
*With a sigh,she glances around for the pen and finds that she has dropped ot .....looking a bit embarrassed ,she bends down and retrieves it*
*Begining once more she makes a supply list for Splintercell so her partner can do the ordering for the bar*

*With only a moments thought she adds a note to it*

*Something strange has happened Splintercell....I think we need to talk....I may need your advice!*

*Feeling as though she has done all she can at the moment ,Pamela rises from the chair and returns to the bar....still lost in thought*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*Farts very loudly during Pamela's deepest thought period*
*Not being the warrior she dreams of, Trogdor sadly informs her of the possibility that he ate this man on the way to the bar*
*walks into the bar and walks around*
Demon[kilon] Wrote:*Notices Pam deep in concentration and that she dropped her pen*
"Anything Wrong??"
*Picks up the pen but pam is still lost in thought*
"Oh well"
"Beholder ifs its so cozy in there why dont you go back..."
*Tackels beholder with a special ghost grabbing tech and drags him to the vortex again*
"Your right.. it is cozy in here, got any jello?"

"wow.. you dropped 2 pens o_O didnt see the second one.."
*The 'Funderful' toys beholder recived turns into weapons of small destruction*
"beholder go out kill something and bring us back some meat.. im hungry for something fresh"
TroGdoR Wrote:*Farts very loudly during Pamela's deepest thought period*
*Not being the warrior she dreams of, Trogdor sadly informs her of the possibility that he ate this man on the way to the bar*
OOC..((Am I detecting some competition for Pamelas hand?))

*Pamela wonders at the warriors words...will he try to win her affection?...or is destiny already met?*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*walks up to behind trog and slaps him in the back of the head*
"hath ye no respect do you know what she has been put through?"
*slaps him in the back of his head again*
*watches the ocupants of the bar with a sad look in his eye, Apocalypse was used to these kind of situations but disliked them. Peace, he was not used to peace it made him uncomfortable, he needed the blade in hand and his enemys to be trying furiously to kill him, only then did he feel truely alive this sitting and waiting for something to happen was infuriating.

He turned to the bartender*

May I please have a drink?
*returns from the outside world and greet Pam* *proceeds to fill the orders to stock the bar, and upon completion of this task enters Pam's office awaiting Pam herself* *waiting to see what Pam must discuss with him*
*Pamela smiles warmly at Splintercell and nods her head in the direction of the bar to serve the requested drinks*
*After complteting the task of waiting upon their patrons,she leads him to a lone table near the back ,and they sit together covered in shadows...a small bit of privacy *

You have done well my dear freind!!!I value your opinion and I seek your advice in vision I have had recently..*her gaze drifts away and her eyes seem almost black as she recalls in her minds eye what she witnessed*

*Shaking her head ruefully ,and silently chiding herself for these drifting thoughts...Pamela looks Splintercell in the eye and begins**After recounting the vision to him she says......

I have seen a Warrior in a vision....he seemed to look right at me and he spoke the words"I am for you Pamela"There was something very familiar about this Warrior...and I am confused!*Ducks her head a bit and blushes*

I do not understand WHAT this means...or what is expected of me.....but I sense soon a meeting is inevitable.....anything you can offer as a freind Ill gladly listen to!
*Leaning back slightly in her chair ,Pamela brushes a stray haiir from her face and absently toys with the ring she still wears on her finger*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*does not know how to respond to this* * My dear Pam I know not of this warrior in your visions, perhaps a better description?*
*hears the conversation and a name comes to mind*


~no please not him, not here not now!~
*walks in*
"damn i am thirsty hey i need a drink who has one i can steal"
*takes lords drink and starts to drink it*
*starts to drink it*
"Damn this is good stuff"
"hey can i have another one of whatever this is"
*doesn't even realise his drink has gone due to the mixed feelings of dread and hatred that are washing over him at who he thinks this warrior is*
*ponders carefully on what great warrior Pam has seen in her dream*
(OOC: I AM 17! as of 1-31-05 anyway...and as my good friend says..just one year closer to death! w00t!)
*sits at the Bar pondering the feeling he is getting*

*Even though Lord Apocalypse Activley rid himself of the demon sheridan many years ago some of the demons heightened senses were left behind. Lord Apocalypse could sense pending death, HIS death it was coming soon. It was coming with the soul intent of his death it's mind warped to it, it had been hunting him for over 6 years and now it new where he was and it had a name*

Stasis............ so it all comes down to this.

* his voice sounded distant yet reassured*

I'm sorry I have been distant these past days but I could sense it coming I only now know how I'm going to die. It's been nioce knowing you all but now I must go and prepare

*with that Lord Apocalypse leaves the Bar and in his place there is a pouch of gold*

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