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Palladins and Zeal
I want everyones honest opinion. Can a well built palladin survive/be any good without using zeal as the primary attack?

If so what about a palladin that uses say holy fire/shock/freeze and sacrafice as the main left click attack?

Just a query. It seems like almost every palladin build relies heavily on the use of zeal as the main attack which in turn begets the need to steal or regenerate mana. So what if a palladin used one of the above auras and then sacrafice as its main attack?
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
The most popular build of all pallys doesnt use zeal aka hammerdin..
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
or smiter they only have 1 pt in zeal
There were really two questions. Both of you answered the first but not the second. What about a shock/freeze/fire and sac pally?
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
Wouldn't work, IMO. Sacrafice makes you lose too much life :\
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
8% loss of life per hit could easily be off set by 8-12% life steal.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
You could try it, I suppose. Although I don't see any point in it. Zealer is infinetly faster.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
smiter is way better than a zealer i think, smiter can own zealers. and i dont know if u build would work that great since i dont think the auras add much dmg or do much dmg
snoboy Wrote:smiter is way better than a zealer i think, smiter can own zealers.

that's not the point. zealots don't usually duel smiters anyway. zealots also usually have a better chance against casters than smiters do.
holy fire/freeze/shock cant be at the left click..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
bah! you know what I mean damn it!
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
left skill mod alfzz comeon. and yeah how about avengers or umm... chargers, they dont have zeal as main skill. and i think sacrifice steals 8% of your life even if u have 20% life steal
theirs alot of pally builds which dont revolve around zeal (hammerdin, foh, healadin, smite, charger, avenger.) but other than those zeal is a very effective skill increases damage attack rating and speed which are all important for having a good character.

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