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New Bot

It's best than YAMB?????

I'm a little bit lazy to config it since I got YAMB working well........

Is it worth the effort of configuring or it's omost same as YAMB???:confused:
okay, so i figured out my other problem myself but now ive got another one. I try to configure d2jsp, and i do the install steps and all, then hit save ini, but then i close d2 and i get this error

Hurly, you use it instead of "AutoD2Jsp."
Why does he says me the error :

Unknown Game Version ?

I have all things config. and all made like the example Sad
Unknown Game Version means you haven't cracked D2 JSP. - Says how.
I made it and the d2jsp.key is in the folder so i have cracked it or not ?
@crapm tryit again over write.
@stiffle no need to configure d2jsp - you just need to config gamemaker once you confiog your char name- atm i m working on it to log - had 232 runs no r/d amd no crash. )
MUST I install Team Botting & GameMaker or not ? I've only installed d2jsp
I still can't get this to work, I moved the starter and start_ to a different backup folder, but its not in the same folder as the new files.
i would just like to know what this new bot does....or whats so great about all the bots in fact i mean what to they mean when they say meph bot or what does this "pindle bot" do??? just let my no
Its the same I think, it just doesn't crash as often as autod2jsp does.
This thing works great but i have 1 problem.. when i try to do public baal runs and i set game name to slics baal 1.. and UNCHECK RANDOM and hit save.. it still makes random games... yet if i use autod2jsp.exe it works.. same config for both programs.. help? lol
I get the 1st error message as you said in your guide.......

But, When I click OK, I don't get the 2nd error message........... =\
i misspoke, i wasnt trying to configure d2jsp i was trying to configure the d2jsp tab within gamemaker, and i did all the steps and it works, but after i click save ini, and then close d2, i get this error:

edit: okay so i started it, and it makes a game, but when i get into it, its says:

Now dumping character inventory data to
dump complete

and then the char just sits there, wtf is going on?<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
hurly close all other programs, itll be there, that happened to me, and when it did, i tried it agian like 5 times, so i just had 5 of the 2nd mesages hidden behind my AOL
It's not choosing the right character... *kicks bot*
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
Doubel check the setting for that char you may need to delete and reset it up
I have deleted the settings.. the .ini file for it and remaking it and everything! No matter what.. it always does random game name..
delete and use the guide foud at - as you are not settig it proporly
Articnv Wrote:try gettign rid edof c3po as its only compitable with mousepads maphack.

This isn't the problem -- since I haven't tried to reference/run c3po at any time while configuring or running d2gamemaker. Is maphack necessary for d2gm to work properly?

Like many other people here I didn't have a starter and starter_ file, just a starter and autostarter. I deleted starter but not autostarter. As an added problem, d2gamemaker.exe does something to my system that causes it to crash and burn every time I try to start / launch any kind of D2 window from it. I'm thinking that I'd better just forget about everything until the new d2jsp is cracked, and go back to autod2jsp.

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