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Ruin A Wish
hey nothing bad can happen to me...*sighs its ever ment to be i geuss

well some things never do like you small Pen!s just stays .5 inch for rest of life...

i wish lidsay lohan was in my house and she would do whatever i want her to...*falls off back of char while dreaming...dies
Lindsay Lohan comes to yours house and you too get it on. Too bad she has AIDS and you got it too.

I wish I had a better memory stick for my camera.
u bought a new better one n fitted it in ur camera... but the memory stick was tooo good tht ur camera blew up...

i wish some1 will kill me....
SilentWarrior attempts to kill you, but I kick his teeth in with my size 14 steel-toed workboots.

I wish I had enough points to make my name look as cool as Pantallica's
You get your points, but someone adds a "Remove points" option to the things you can get, and Pantallica just happens to get fed up, and removes your points!

I wish that I could have an army of oompa loompas.
you get your little orange army and your pretty happy with them...but becasue you dont want them to die in iraq they get bored because they aint working or you get tied to the wall and get raped by every one of them you get krabs,,,

i wish i was no. 1 on the most points thingy colum and my points woulnt get erased i wouldnt get banned, i woldnt spend them all, and i most of all would not donate them Smile
Dyna b!tches about you having alot of points and has the point system taken out.

I wish I didn't feel like throwing up right
u throw up everything u ate the past couple of days later....gross

i wish today wasnt so boring
today will be so boring, u swear it was black adn white

I wish i had a big, venomous snake(i hate where this is gonna go)
You get tied to a stone slab, and tickled to death.

I wish for absolutely nothing at all!
..... every possible thing happens to you

i wish all my future wishes don't come true *evil grin*
They happen anyway =P

I wish that all the banned people don't find a way to come back.
All The banned people join with me and learn the secrets of avoiding being banned and wayz to just keep comeing back. Wink

I Wish I had a Group of followers and new teeth because priest kicked out my teeth. lol
ur followers are a bunch of nerds that wont stop annoying and ur new teeth are those false hillbilly teeth u get at toy shop or something

i wish the ppl at my school werent so damn annoying
well becasue they are geuss what they all get a disease(dunno what) in their mouths becasue they talk to much and they all die... then yoyu become the most annnoyring kid and you also die from the disease

i wish my chars on bnet whernt expired *crys* and i could pk and all that again (this is my nox accnt i was a hero ) lol
they dont expire but instead they all are hacked and stripped of gear. then your d2 cd breaks and you stab yourself in the balls trying to clean it up. you scream "ay-yi-yi!" which attracts a bunch of mexicans over. you die when their lowrider crashes through your wall, making your house fall on top of you

i wish i had an apple
You get an apple, but there's a deadly-virus-carrying worm inside it that instantly turns your liver to putty. Sucker.

I wish I had some bass-playing skill. =(
you get your bass-playing skills but someone desroyed all you gutairs and when you go to buy one the price is hiked to about 250,000 and there is now 100% tax making a total of 500,000 even when you get the cash the clerk says that they sold the last one for 5 bucks to a 6 yr old kid

i wish they don't pick a pope
there was no selection of a pope n bcos there is no high priest to lead the other priest, the religon "catholics" goes crashing down... (no offence to catholics... i dun really mean it... its a game... sorry)

i wish im strong enuff to get a gold in my NAFA test tis coming thurs.... (nafa is a physical fitness test...) pass but after seeing my score on the test you commit suicide.

I Wish I get into a fight today with a big guy!

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