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how do you develop a good hacked paladin. Please reply to this
y is it when ever i make a character my max life is very high but the life it is now is only like 20k or lower?

Also Kain, Have You Ever Hex Edit A Charcter Before. Ive tried to start but guides that try to teach me always mess the chara up and im following and understanding everything they tell me?
Does he have armor on, or charms it could be giving life to him, check.:laugh:
ya but if i add them it just brings up the life and also the max life
same thing with mana

my life is like 20k out of 2.3 mill
ImortalKing Wats ur bnet accout i want ot c what u use to get a better idea of what to do
My account is for the last time, and don't double post.Cool
srry for the double post i was being stupid and wasnt paying atention
How do you get the Oak sage benifits without having to summon. I have tried just stacking Oak Sage aura..not working . Seems only Palidan aura's actually work . Can someone put me on the right track ?
hey does anybody want me to post a unique color to change the color of your items
Look around the forum Enano. There was a thread on it, explained it all. You'll come across it eventually.
no i was asking if u wanted me to post a color guide\

mahim oak curio = purple
bloodfist =r ed
I have no idea how to hack open, I tried earlier and could only get 1.3 million life with 30k dmg following that exact guide. I was then destroyed by a smite zon.
thats amazing man that some1 would type that stuff up but thats so awesome. i might use. cant wait till i get hero editor back up.
Ok, so I read that even if you Health shows to be 20-30k and your max is much higher, it means that you acctually have alot more? And also, what about mana... how do you know if your mana is rolled over or not.... (about how many items with mana% and mana+)

Thank you, b33asy.
ok id like to know whats the perfect speed levels because lmfao i cast and it does like 50 holy shields in a second but it dosent work Smile lol i need [as spell-speed (got the running -163) faster blockies Faster Cast Rate
k thx

also is the a mana aura thing that acts like oak sage bur for mana???
[Image: fable2artcopy.png]
btw, the guide isnt his, its Sinners, he did it for a long time ago, give him sum credit !
The best way to still hack is to underoll your character... atleast it was in 1.10... i havent hacked in open for bout 8 months.. but instead of hacking up... try hacking down.. i used to have an underolled bowzon and all you had to do was shoot multiarrow once and kill any char in the range.. idk if it still works now in 1.11 but it is definately something you should try if you wanna be "godly"
ok in open i c alot of guys that are sorcs but then they look like zons and i wanna know how to do this and is there a way that another char besides a pally use smite like actually swing the sheild or is it like a on attack skill so get back to me
You go into non-visible effects and select Doppelzon. It makes any char look like a zon.
dopplezon also makes u smite faster hint hint. lol
why the hell was this unstickied

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