Off (Trying to find out what they say about duping, or other glitches)
Joseph: Power Leveling
You are now speaking with
Tk of
I have questions.
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Hello, I am wondering how power leveling works, what exactly do you do to gain the levels? Cows? Baals?
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> I wantt o make sure if I buy it, its being done legit.
Tk: hello Joseph
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Hello.
Tk: One moment please, i will be right with you (do not close this window)
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> I won't.
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Done?
Tk: our leveler will do mainly baal runs
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> yes, but how do they get their?
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Its nearly impossible to get lvl 25
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> in 2 days
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> x.x
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> or, in my case. My brother bought one, the 1st day it was completely rushed to end, but lvl 4.
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Over night, it became lvl 50
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> That is why I am scared to buy something, if it is illegal.
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> or its being done illegally.
Tk: yes, our levelers will be working in shifts around the clock
Tk: don't worry we level through legit methods
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> Its nearly impossible to make lvl 50 in 8 hrs though x.x
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> It's not no glitch or something, so they go into baal runs (hell) at such low lvls?
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> That is what im scared of, they are abusing something to go into baal runs at lvl 4.
Tk: don't worry we level through legit methods
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> I hope so..
Tk: our customers have always been happy with our leveling services
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> btw, your items aren't duped right?
Tk: Some items like runes, charms, or jewels are traded back from people in trading channels. Because of this, we are unable to distinguish whether they are dupes or legits. Therefore strongly suggest that you keep them in an empty non-playing character, temp perm everytime before you leave game, or socket it right away.
<o1122417201>Joseph:</o1122417201> I see.
(Im Joseph)