Hehe, Yeah peter is so stupid, Btw thats his tounge he is putting near the open fan.
My settings are as follows:
; NOTE: Settings below have the aspect of muliple d2 install usage with 3 keys
; The advantage of muliple d2 is: usage of a legit Diablo 2 executable. Problems
; are: Size on disk (1.3go/install), Stability, and lags.
D2_UseCdKeysSwapping = Yes
D2_Path_K1 = C:\Steven\Games\Diablo II
D2_Executable_K1 = Diablo II.exe
D2_Parameters_K1 = -w -ns -direct -txt -mpq rb.mpq -title "Key 1"
D2_WName_K1 = "key 1"
D2_Path_K2 = C:\Steven\Games\Diablo II
D2_Executable_K2 = Diablo II.exe
D2_Parameters_K2 = -w -ns -direct -txt -mpq scam1.mpq -title "Key 2"
D2_WName_K2 = "key 2"
D2_Path_K3 = C:\Steven\Games\Diablo II
D2_Executable_K3 = Diablo II.exe
D2_Parameters_K3 = -w -ns -direct -txt -mpq scam3.mpq -title "Key 3"
D2_WName_K3 = "key 3"
D2_LastSetUsed = 1
When i dont use this example "No", It runs fine.. But when i enable it "Yes" I get this... It wont do anything.. just sits like this...