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lol I want to try but i need eye. My Zealot has Level 37 Zeal and Fanaticism and level 32 Holy Shield and Level 32 Vengeance for those immune to phy....... I do 13k zeal and 9k vengeance..........with a barb and my nm merc's might aura im basically invincible.................and my dual leach is sick.........
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exile is a joke.... upped hoz owns ubers. And as far as the smite/zeal discussion... I'll end it right here. Smiters will rock uber trist all day long. I've never made a zealer.... I hear thjey can do it. But i soloed uber trist with garbage items on my smiter. All i needed was a lifetap wand and dracs. Cast tap once on them, switch to your main weapon, and enjoy your carnage. Thje only problem is meph, who you have to switch salv on for usually. At least i do. If you don't, i bow down. Speaking of ubers... if you need anyone to do them, i'll do them for you. Theyre fun. toil3tsupernova... east ladder. I've already got tons of torches, so ill do it for a soh.
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how do you get a wand with lifetap? every time i get one it says necro only for the lifetap and i cant use it
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charges man... charges. I got mine by making like 10 games, and walking to akara every ggame. Eventually she'll have a necro wand with lifetap charges on it. It'll prolly cost you like 225k though, so be ready with plenty of gold.
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ah i see...i'll have to keep my eyes open for that. thanks
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he doesnt have to be too flawless. I think the most important things are... in this order:
you can probably get away without the hoz or the grief though. I soloed the ubers once with dracs and a ravenfrost... sazabi weapon(indestructible, got tired of repairing).... and the same crappy shield ive got now. I had a hoz for a bit, but grabbed too many items tryin to grab a corpse once, got angry and left the game.... and poofed it. My current shield is a heraldic shield that adds 44 resist and 38 life. It has two sockets, both pdiamonds. My defense on the shield is 23, and my base smite damage is 3-9. I can still rock an uber trist in like 5 minutes or less though. Like i said before, run around, precast tap on the desired target with your lifetap charges wand on switch, switch to original weapon, and let the dracs take care of you. Keep in mind that without a good shield, or a smiter weapon (look up cauhmetoc's(sp?) guide), you'll need about 25 mana pots for each uber boss.