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This Or That
hamburgers by far

dog or cat
Dog, by far.

Snickers or Reeses

Hack and slash rpg(i.e. Diablo 2) or Quality RPG(i.e. Dark age of camelot or World of Warcraft)?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
hack and slash (like conquor or mybe its mor quailty meh)
anime or real life shows
real life
CS or half life?

College Degree or High School Grad
college degree

30 inch Plasma TV or 60 inch big screen?
60 inch, because I can buy direct tv, and you never said it's not hi-def.

Sumo or college wrestling?

Best Buy or Circuit City
Best buy

trashy women or classy women
Neither (classy if i must...)

Black or White

Pepperoni or Cheese pizza?

Jak or Ratchet?

Left or Right?
up or down

Green or Orange?

.jpg or .gif?
Death by Snoo-Snoo or Death by Sand People
Snoo-snoo isn't how i think i'll die, but it's how I always hoped.

lame or weak?

Tits or as-s

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