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Baseball 2004!!
i would have except i was sleeping, maybe espn will show a rerun, in pre-season play the pirates (though 3rd from last) were better than the braves and giants, either thats a good sign as to how they will perform in the reg season or the b's and g's are out of it and need to rebuild
Well the Yankees lost today...Sad .......ah heck they were clobbered, but tomorrow at 5AM they are gonna make seafood out of the devil rays!!!
which means the mets have the best record in ny,lol
Yankees won today 12-1, take that all of ya Yankee Haters...
it was great listening on the radio that the yankees (technically best team) losing to the rays (technically the worst team)
i bet the yanks dont even get to the world series this yr
Well responding to nublitoria first, the d-rays are currently being managed by a man named lou pinella...this man has been a fabulous coach so far and every team he has been on has made it to the playoffs. So the D-rays aren't the worst team by any means. In fact if you want to hear about bad teams, take a look at the Tigers, Brewers, Pirates(cough, jk Gaccet). Another reason why they Yanks lost was that Mike Mussina is at best a 2-3 starter. Not a number one, and as you could see, he choked under pressure.
if i were plaiyng for the pirates i could get them back into playoff contention Big Grin ,when u watch matsui hes good when he stays in the box but when he does that slap crap he sux, jeter 's ego is to big, giambi is a pampered azzhole he only does good 1 out of every 4 games, its a good thing clemens got out of there, i like lofton but i wish he wasnt playing for them, a-rod is good but i think hes paid to much and is starting to get like giambi and jeter combined, i cant think of their names but the 3rd baseman who got injusred who was stolen form cincinati is overated, and the one from atlanta they just got ( ishould remeber his name since i live down here) hes got a temper, he got thrown out a lot last season, its a good thing they got ride of soriano he couldnt handle big game pressure wait maybe thats a bad thing :p
You forgot who Gary Sheffield is, tsk tsk...JEter has a big EGO? THat is the biggest load of ccrap I HAVE EVER HEARD@!!!!! If Jeter's ego is so big, why is he a quiet superstar/ captain of the New York Yankees/ I have never made fun of another player publicly. What has he ever said publicly to make him appear as an egomaniac??? NOTHING, hes a very quiet ballplayer and a very civilized one at that. You are just jealous he isn't playing for the Pirates. Sorry to bash you Gaccet, but its the truth.
whenevr they show him after he makes a good play or gets a hit he has a smug look on his face instead fo the usual clueless look, when he screws up he swears and throws a tantrum, now i can understand geting mad and maybe swearing once in a awhile but he does it all the time, when u watch the game or see the highlights theres always one with him doing what i just said, ego maniacs love to have the attention on themselves so anything that would gather attention to make themselves seem more important is egolomaniacism(new word)
Oakland Athletics Rule All!
Yo gaccett..are you from pittsburgh?...and btw..redsox are the team..
super troopers kick azz, n but im from erie PA and most my family live in pitts., so im a fan of all their teams steelers, penguins, they shouldnt have gotten ride of three rivers, i only saw 3 games there, 2 baseball 1 football back when they had bonds, bonilla, and van slyke
You don't watch many Yankee games if you think Jeter throws tantrums...when he screws up he acts very casually, very calmly.I have been a Yankee fan for many years and I have never seen Jeter lose his fact i read an article just recently in espn the mag saying that instead of losing his temper when it comes to a person or thing, he just shoves it to the side and starts fresh...Jeter is a role model, an excellent player and a good example of a baseball player who isnt obssessed with his stats or gameplay or money or whatever..He is a true yankee and people who try to defame his character are just jealous tehy dont have him. Redsox fans know hes a good man and instead they just say he sux at shortstopp, they dont say hes full of himself.
i watched most of the playoffs last yr and they were always showing jeter going into the dugout throwing his glove and cusing when he did bad, hes good thats why its rare to see him angry when hes bad, ill be watching so i can see him get angry, he makes 16mil a yr

edit: since when did espn ever talk bad about a player, even pujoles who has an extreme temper they say hes amazing and all that but never mention his temper except when he gets tossed and then they defend him because he got gipped by an ump or something
Is it wrong for a player to have a passion for the game of baseball.?.Is it a sin for Jeter to be frustrated when he does poorly in October? Does it make Jeter an egomaniac when he shows signs of emotion with his play? I can't understand how you view players...I guess on a team like the Pirates the guys who play aren't passionate and that makes them normal guys with normal egos...every athlete has a big ego and is it a sin if Jeter has one himself? I'm 100 percent sure you can not find me an instance in which Jeter showed that he was full of himself by blaming a loss on his teammates or w/e. Gaccet end the ego debate becuz ur wrong about it...
i know when i play i usually dont show emotion because i try to not show my ego but sometimes it show n anyways, when u play on a team ud be suprised at the ego's especially among those who either or good or think their good, and that was just high school, i like my players cool and collected most of the time, its ok to blow up everynow and then, in fact everysport people gain huge egos, every sport i watch or play its a battle of the egos, whose got the biggest, so with that u could say that jeters ego is no bigger than anyone else who plays sports its just a matter of how well u can hide it and show humility

edit:not blaming the team but urself for a lose or something is the ultimate ego, it says ur responsible for the team and no one else can handle it, but on the opposite side if u do blame the team (which many do but not in such a harsh manner like saying 'we just didnt have it tonight', or something like that) so either way ur screwed, nice viciuos little circle, eh
I still bet you can't find an article or audio wave showing Jeter blaming himself only...unless you edit one yourself and pretend to sound like Jeter Wink
ok ill do that
i dont want to double post but at this point my editing of my last post wouldnt make much sense, and with that

trogdor, recently i saw a clip of jeter after hiting a home run holding up his hand/s with the symbol for #1, one could contrew this to mean he thinks he is #1, hmm

which brings me to my next point, im tired of player standing and watching a 'POSSIBLE' homerun, it sickens me, now granted the first time i almost hit a home run i sat and watched as it hit the top of the fence incenter field witch was 375ft, and not go over, but in my defense it was my closest hit to that point and since then i havnt done it since

also trogdor, i cant believe i forgot that jackie played in the 40's so i have to say that helps prove my point that racial attitudes in baseball were more progressive than society in general

also lets keep this from flaming so dont take any of this as a personal afront upon u

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