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Items Found With MM.Bot
i found that you can just fill with super health and it does fine, leave the last row empty and it will fill its self up with rejuvies

Additional Comment:
today so far, tals armor, ik armor, ravenfrost, 69 kiras
Man, first 3 days of the bot with like 470% mf and I didn't find a THING. The only unique that was picked up was Homonculus, and there were tons of rares.

Now I dropped the mf into the 290-330 range, and finally I get a few more uniques. The noteable one is Griff's, but it has low -resistance, yet high skill dmg +. The other drops were Cerebus, Destroyer Helm and Bonehew.

Well, at least I got something this time. I guess lowering your MF does work.
Whats your mf mr.ruth?
i have around 470-490, not above 500 but above 450
I've found crap with Best thing i keep finding is a manald yet i have 300-350 mf >;(
yes, I've been finding crap, and I have over 400 mf...quite aggrivating
found a +3 ondals, but nothing else this week

485% mf
47 war travs, yet ANOTHER ik armor, shadow dancers (1 skill)
soj, 6s zerker, veil of steel spired helm
this week i found, 27 mars, tal armor, 29 fathom, skullders, levi 23% dmg reduce, 2 os coa, templars might, arach and some other stuff, i dontknow what my mf is but i can tell youall the items. I am level 90 igot the following items:

eth isted skullders 199% ed def
6bo cta
perfect spirit shield
40 chancies
2x 30 nagels
p shako with ist rune
48% mf amy
50% travs
6 ister sword
4 isted monarch
storch 18//19
4 x light gcs
4 x 7 mf scs

and thats all and my merc got :
25% dmg reduce levi with 40-15
p gaze with 40-15
and 390 ed 13ll edotd war pike

Botting since two hours and found an incredible war fist

Demon Bist
256-308 Damage
5% chance to cast lvl 1 amp dmg
10 ias
289% ed
+1 max dmg
17-84 cold dmg
+1 vemon

GODLY weapon for wwsins who use 2 weps :F
bot found:

28 maras
ist rune

469% mf
34 lifer bow and crossbow grand charm
I have 521 mf, mostly i find tals armors. i find a lot of nice rings and one time i gambled a 29 maras. i was finding ondals, a couple of shakos, i dont know what i used to. I used to bot a lot but not as much anymore
wat i don't understand is how people with 2xx-3xx mf keep finding COA.
I've copied down everything i found that was worth something in 2and a half weeks since i started mm bot. I bot an average of 5 hours a day with 156% mf

Cold Gc, Dracs, Ik Armor, Eth Zerker Axe, Tals Ammy, 5% all res sc, Templars Might, 40% Gheeds, 2x SS, def aura gc, 2x 100pdscs, HoZ, Shako, Perfect Giant Skull, 4os +3 GMbow, Gore Riders, and a 14/16 Griffons.

Probably not as much as some of you guys find in a day but I'm really happy with this bot. Thanks Magnus!
yeah i dont knwo what the difference is but i dont find as much as i used to...

last night (8.5 hrs) i got
17/11 griff
req. ring and a 1 to barb circlet with res, str, and life

P.s waht is COA?
nvm is it Crown of Ages?
i run d2jsp bot... is that the same as mmbot? if not... whats better??
dude D2JSP = account deleted and cd key ban
k to keep this going this week so far i found:

1 shadow gc with 39 life
+3 bow/crossbow 4socket GMB
Ethereal Skullders 194% ed

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