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Shift's Old School Holy Shocker Guide
First off, this guide is mainly PvM, but it still is great for PvP.

The Stat Placement
- Strength - Enough for Gear
- Dexterity - Enough for max block with Holy Shield
- Vitality - Rest
- Energy - None

The Skills
- Zeal - 20 (Don't have to max it out)
- Holy Shock - 20
- Resist Lightning - 20 (Holy shocks syenergy)
- Salvation - 20 (Syenergy...)
- Holy Shield - 20
- Sacrifice - Add some in here if you don't max zeal for more damage against Light Immunes.

You should be done around 90 or something.

The Gear
- Helmet - Shako
- Armor - Archon CoH
- Weapon - Crescent Moon PB (Shael+Um+Tir)
- Shield - Hoz
- Gloves - Dracs
- Boots - Goreriders
- Belt - Verdungos
- Rings -
1.) 200+/20
2.) Angelic/ Another Raven
- Amulet -
1.) Angelic if you use the ring
2.) Highlords

- Annihilus
- Offensive Grand Charm's

Comments are appreciated
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
i made this char on hc last ladder...kills pretty might consider putting points in sacrifice since it will increase your zeal's damage by 12%...additional points in zeal only add 6% each
So like put 15 in zeal and the rest in sac.?

Yes, this set up does kick ass:p
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
you could do that...the sacrifice might not even be necessary since most of your damage comes from lightning anyways....but that way you'd have more phys damage for those pesky lite immunes
Yeah, good idea, I added it to the guide.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
have u made this char? and wouldnt griffs be better than shako. also, try adding a bit of theory on how holy shock works, expected dmg/ar/life/def and shit like that. all in all, its a ok guide, with only the basics, but missing a bit of flavour to actually make us want to make it
link_4_ever Wrote:have u made this char? and wouldnt griffs be better than shako. also, try adding a bit of theory on how holy shock works, expected dmg/ar/life/def and shit like that. all in all, its a ok guide, with only the basics, but missing a bit of flavour to actually make us want to make it
Yes, I have made this char, 3 times. It is a really fun char to mess around with. Yes I know it is a basic guide, I was lazy when I made it and didn't feel like typing alot. When I am bored I will fix it up and stuff. You want the shako for the added skills, since it adds 2 it beats griffs, but I haven't tryed it with a griff so it would be something to test out.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Or try the ladder build, dream helm+shield, max lightning synergys and convict(no shock skill, dream does it) and use 2 sojs, enigma, shako or griffs, cresent moon, and boots, any gloves. Just tele around and watch stuff die.

Bartender Wrote:Or try the ladder build, dream helm+shield, max lightning synergys and convict(no show skill, dream does it) and use 2 sojs, enigma, shako or griffs, cresent moon, and boots, any gloves. Just tele around and watch stuff die.
Hey! Back off the biscuits ot I will cut you! lol. That was going to be my new school guide, but I havent gotten around to making it yet.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Ehehe, they are both old school, not many people use holy shockers because of their gawdlyness and the need for richness.
Bartender Wrote:Ehehe, they are both old school, not many people use holy shockers because of their gawdlyness and the need for richness.
This one you don't need to be rich for, just on a couple things.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
I made a shocker on nl usEast awhile ago had same basic set up, but used ebotdz, I'mma try that Cresent Moon, Maybe ebotd pb.....
the title says Old School so i suppose this guide was from long ago anyways shockers are cool lld or for high lvl i remember i made one in classic^^ he owned =P anyways nice guide Shift
I got an idea, instead of making a character, which costs a lot of money, how about make a merc, a bugged a3 merc and just have your character go around, your merc will do everything because the bug makes you stack -res. The bug has been posted here already, just search it.
Merc would get pwn'd faster if you ask me
Yes but the merc would unbelieveable stacked -res that it wouldn't even be funny, he wouldn't die, everything on the screen would before it touched him.
Quote:Or try the ladder build, dream helm+shield, max lightning synergys and convict(no show skill, dream does it) and use 2 sojs, enigma, shako or griffs, cresent moon, and boots, any gloves. Just tele around and watch stuff die

This is a dreamer. Works fine, too, can kill light immunes, but is VERY expensive.

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