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PC/ft arreats
i need a price check on arreats...i just found one. someone told me um, but i wanted 2nd opinions. right now its unided so if anyone knows what its worth unided or what the range would be for the ED range that would be helpful. its also FT if anyone wants to offer.
Around 4 ums or like ist+1-2 ums unided. If it is and is close to max ed, like around 20 ED around max, and umed then it's an soj+
you play west though, would it be different on east?
Probably not.. you should still wait for another reply though, so you don't get ripped.
#5 anyone else got an idea? preferably someone that plays east ladder
I cannot give you a specific answer, but usually Arreat's is not worth much if it's not perf, just because it's so common.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:I cannot give you a specific answer, but usually Arreat's is not worth much if it's not perf, just because it's so common.

the only ones worth alot are 180% ed and up with 6% ll.

the life steal is important to most people but some might disregard it
so i should ID it and hope for perfect then?
Yeah, you should but there's a big chance you might get something you wont like.
i know, but if its not worth anything unided, i guess i should take the chance
commandwolf Wrote:the only ones worth alot are 180% ed and up with 6% ll.

the life steal is important to most people but some might disregard it

200%ed ~~

And if you get it perf, up it as well.
blah...its 157/3...terrible
idk what bartender is talkin about with 4 um's for it, he must play nl or something. um if its good, but i hear eth goes for 2 hr....sorry it was crappy
#15 sucked...oh the freebee list with it i guess
arreats goes for cheap can be as low as lem p is like um+
thanks _6262rhjs_ but we already got it figured out
I playe sc us east and bad ones are lem but most are pul though not many people need them.

Additional Comment:
Crap sry i have got to start reading the last post.
On westnlsc I got 3 hrs for my 200/6 ber'd arreats, so if it is perfect, or pretty high, you can get something pretty good out of it.

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