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do you like star trek?
It amuses me how you like a series about peaceful diplomacy, but you can't even communicate mediocrely.

The series were ok, but the movie sucked.
which movie? all of the movies?

i like the Borg give humans a sense of domination over the borg

besides i dont beat any1 up...its not a good thing to do and i saw in the news that 1 punch can kill u so....i dont kill

the peaceful integration is not complete i need more friends than enemies to be 100% peaceful
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
mathalamus-a Wrote:besides i dont beat any1 up...its not a good thing to do and i saw in the news that 1 punch can kill u so....i dont kill

the peaceful integration is not complete i need more friends than enemies to be 100% peaceful

What the **** are you talking about?

Anyways, all the movies sucked.
hmm... the movies dont suck..some are good
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
i actually liked the 'next generation' movies myself
star trek is ok, but u got it wrong. the borg only send 1 ship at a time(usually), and at wolf 359 it was like 40+ starfleet ships vs 1 borg cube......the cube won. but then the enterprise came, brought picard back, blah blah blah.

also, in the movie first contact, it was 1 cube that beat all the ships, including the defiant from DS9, and the only way they won at earth was the enterprise showed up against orders and whooped its ass, with combined fire from the remaining ships. but then they had to go back in time, blah blah blah

and the borg wernt defeated, after both the movies and series, only 2 borg strains were defeated, out of an unknown hundreds. and in the book The Return, they destroy the borg homeworld, but borg ships are still left without commands. a cube running loose is a bad thing.

but of course, you already knew that right?
ya! the only thing the Borg is afraid of is Enterprise! lol i love that ship!!

hmm what if the Borg sent 3? the federation wins!

the defiant was ****ed but it was repaired

and from voyager scorpion part 1 " Borg space is thousands of star systems million of cubes and trillions of drones" there are millions of cubes

its always 1 cube!

...unless that parallel universe that the federation was assilated...thats bad...only the enterprise fleed....shame....
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
....ok from what i could understand, this is what u said
OMFGZ voyager rocked 43896390763 borg shipz joo moron

well, in the final episode of the final season, it is true they killed a great many ships, but what you failed to say was how they had weapons and armor from the future, stuff no one has even thought of developing, that is how. and btw voyager was almost destroyed
and with them being afraid of enterprise, no a cube could kick the enterprises ass, but with COMBINED fire and picards knowledge of the cubes weak spot (watch the movie damnit!) they managed to destroy it

and i have solid proof that when most of the strains gathered for an all out assult vs the federation along with romulan muniteriers, the total cube amount was 16-20, the defiant class ship (not the defiant) that was unofficially rechristened the uss enterprise (this takes place right after star trek generations the movie, i mean RIGHT after) managed to disable the collective's communications, creating chaos and they were able to slip in, kirk beams down and destroys the borg homeworld. this leaves me at the point where i get to the tendrils, different borg groups seperate from each other but getting orders from a central source. well now that the central source is destroyed, the strongest tendril (this is where the borg queen comes in) regains control of the scattered borg ships (which are cut off from eachother so they are goin crazy) and creates another network on her ship, but having her control the whole thing.... i'll elaborate more later, i'm tired

Additional Comment:
the voyager ship faced the remains of the borg, the borg queen etc, they've been rebuilding as fast as they could since ^^^ happened
wtf? kirk is DEAD idiot and the borg has no homeworld
i gotta dmit voyager ****ed the borg up badly is the borg gone or not?
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
kirk died but the borg brought him back to life with ancient alien tech from the delta quadrant, and with the help of those seperatist romulans they managed to retreive kirks corpse off of viderian (3 is it?) and use it for their evil plot.... they use kirk to try and eliminate picard, since picard is their greatest enemy. and yes, THEY DO have a homeworld, if you don't remember from the origional series(the kirk ones) there was a ship that came back to earth after being gone for hundreds of years, this was the space probe voyager, but some alien it incountered changed it so now it is a half machine half live mutation (hmm i wonder who did that...) spock mindmelded with it, and saw the borg homeworld (however, they did not know it was the borg at that time) at the same time imprinting an image of the borg onto his brain, so when they try to assilinate spock, they think he is already assimilated.

if u actually read my posts, i said the borg are made op of many different "spokes on a wheel" they operate on their own, but take orders from a central source, which used to be the borg homeworld, now is the queen. after the movie inseruection i dont know what happened to the borg queen, but the borg are still out there
I like star trek, I mean it is ok, but from reading these posts some of you really need to get a life. Don't you realize "sentences---should---consist---of---more---then---one---word!" – William Shatner
i've probably watch about 10star trek episodes in my day. i only watch them when i'm REALLY bored. it's ok i guess. well, some of them are i don't know what series they were. i think the next generation, idk the one on spike tv. I don't know anybody who watches star trek though.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
the reblic empire can rape the federation fleet in seconds
(clearly i dislike star trek Tongue)
star trek is sotra boring, even the fighting was lame when almost every shot hits it's mark on the first shot
the borg seem easy to kill since y not use balistic weapons it worked purdy well on 2 borg in that one movie
it just seems to be lacking in a way Tongue
I think that all of the series' were gay.
And I think you're an idiot...

you guys are talking about how nerdy it is and how some people need to get a life do realize you're online posting on a forum dedicated to video games? Not only that but more specificaly dedicated to a gaming publisher? I'm geek/nerd or whatever you want to call me and I'm damn proud of what I am. If you guys are on this forum then chances are you have some geeky tendencies.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
the spoonman speaks the truth
I forgot one thing though...Star Wars owns Star Trek.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
the spoonman does speak the truth
star wars is better than star trek hands down the shear size difference alone makes it a win Big Grin
size difference? what exactly do you mean? if you are talking size in terms of trek has had like 12(dont know the exact number) movies and 5 TV shows. while star wars has had 6 movies and a crappy cartoon, so star trek is actually bigger in that sense. i'm not really following your logic, how do you quantitatively measure 2 brand names? their names are about the same length if you mean size that way...or are you referring to fan bases? idk about that one either, both have A LOT of fans....

dont get me wrong, i prefer star wars to star trek also, but i like both. i just dont like when people make stupid comments

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