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mm.BOT, The easy way!
mm.BOT is a bot that runs Pindle, Shenk, Eldritch, Trav, and Summoner. So far it is undetectible, so you most likey won't have to worry about being banned(yet=P).

What to download

To run and use mm.BOT, you first need to download the mod.

Get the mod here. Size: 3.0 MB.

Once downloaded, Un-Zip it anywhere and open the file. Copy the data folder from inside of the mm.BOT.MOD.63 into your Diablo II Directory(C:\Program Files\Diablo II). There now that part is done, now to download the bot itself. This is mm.BOT.544B5. It isn't the newest mm.BOT version, but it is my prefered version.

Rapidshare uploaded. mmBOT544B5 Size: 3.9 MB.

How to set-up the bot

After you have downloaded it, unzip it anywhere, perferably the desktop. Open the unzipped mm.BOT544B5 file, then open up the config folder and open the mm.BOT.ini. Everything is set-up in that file for you except for your account name, password, and char select. Once you have put them in, save and close it. Now time to mess with the sequences. **Sequences are located in links to at the bottom of this post.** Copy them into the Sequences.ini file overwriting the old sequence.

Other settings

You will also need to change 3 other things. Right click on your desktop and choose properties. Click on the settings tab and change the Color Quality to 16 bit and the screen resolution to 1024 x 768. Finally, you need to change your video settings to directdraw and not 3d. You can change this by opening your Diablo II directory and running the D2VidTst.exe.

If you have any other questions, just post 'em up.

Sequence Links From forums.

Paladin Sorceress Amazon Assassin Necromancer Barbarian Druid
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
very nice guide shift. i haven't tried it all out yet i got as far as the sequences only because i can't finish it yet. also, we could take other scripts besides the ones it comes with right? and also i think mine wouldn't work was because i didn't have the mod downloaded maybe. I vote for a sticky.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Yes, you can use other sequences, but in the normal mm.BOT it doesn't have all of the sequences, so I put them in there, you just have to copy and paste.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Have you ever tried using a bone necro for key runs?
hey i dont know if this thread is dead ofr not,but while using this bot i have had some errors.when the bot reaches trav,it stands there and switches weapons,but hits the wp,and then just freezes in a way.wondering if anyone one esle was having this problem and if someone can help me,might just be the fact that im using the older version,but reply back with answers
Do you have it set to use a Cta?
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
i went thru all the steps then i started the bot

right when trying to go to my account it said something like

the bot didnt recognize config.....
window must be 16bit, window 98/ millenium operating systems are not supported

i made mine 16 bit and 1024x728

any idea?
copy and paste the WHOLE config file.
i get the error:

Autoit scripts are in sequence, but AutoitV3 is not installed.
That means you are using an auto-it script, you can download auto-it v3 in the downloads section.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
ty shift
hey shift wat bout me?

thnx in advance

Additional Comment:
got the mod in the diablo folder

extracted all the files

copied hammerdin sequence-when to sequence.ini cut the original sequence pasted the copied hammerdin sequence

made 16bit-1024x768

double clicked rejuv potion then that thing popped up

the bot didnt recognize config.....
window must be 16bit, window 98/ millenium operating systems are not supported

wat the?
Make sure you didn't copy the whole mod folder, just the data folder inside of the mod folder into your d2 directory.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
everything in your guide i have already done. i still have this problem:
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
Well, only thing I can think of Siris is to delete all of your mm.BOT stuff and follow my guide exactly.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
yes my mod folder was extracted in my desktop. then i opened the folder copied the data folder and pasted it in diablo II folder

damn i wanna bot lol

Additional Comment:
i was thinking when i paste hammerdin sequence into the sequence.ini do i delet most of it or all of it?

i get same exact error as siris does.
you have to copy the whole script and then delete what is already in your sequence file. yes everything.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
ok did that but still get thet error msg.

followed the directions exactly:

data file in doaiblo folder

rite sequencwe in sequence.ini

my account and pass put in mm.BOT.ini

16bit/rite resolution/direct draw on

..and it wont start
i followed the directions exactly and it worked for me. there was no way i coulda set up my bot without this guide(and shifts help) so ty again shift. maybe add step by step insturctions with screenshot's? and maybe if people could post screenshots of their problems?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
i was wondering does it work for certin versions of windows?
maybe that would explain the error msg part where it say win98/ miilenium operation not supported

yea screen shots would be really tizite
ok, I'm running Win xp pro sp2. I downloaded the 2 files put the data file in my diablo directory. I set up my acc info and keys info to match my in game keys in mmbot.ini I copied the hammerdin sequence from the sequence folder that came along with the bot and pasted it over everything in the I then start the bot and it runs fine at first.... it starts in act3 then runs to wp and goes to act5 then types "starting run" then it goes to trav and tries to bo. but nothing happens it just switches between weapons and skills (Note: in game keys all match the sequence keys and Shift is not used). then it tele's to council and gets this error msg.

click to enlarge

.jpg   error.jpg (Size: 12.27 KB / Downloads: 422)
*autoit V3 is installed

Any ideas what I can do to fix this?

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