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My Bar
I want chicken. o.o
*it has been many months since Pamela,owner and founder of her Bar has had a chance to gaze upon what she had created,made into a cozy place and made friends as well as enemies*
*Stepping cautiously to the threshold,she steels herself for what she may find has transpired in her lenghty abscence*

*Gathering her nerve and courage she draws forth her slim dagger,fear prickling lightly at the nape of her neck,sending her senses into a state of high alert,much the same as would a hunted lonely beast of the forest*

~Thinking to herself that this is what she HAS been these many long and lonely days ...both hunting a mudrer,as well as being pursued by evil creatures~

*She then smothers back a choke of laughter,finally accepting that her mission is complete and her caution of any situation was hard earned in life and death struggles the past months*

*With new hope and a brighter future now befor her,Pamela opens the door to the Bar
seeking out familiar faces,while searching for foes.*

*Stepping thru the threshold she smile a greeting and nods at a few...then walking slowly to a nearby table,seats herself facing the door and her back against the wall*

*Raising her voice only slightly she announces to all,meeting each gaze levely*

I have returned,what ,in my long abcsence has occured in the Bar?
*Signaling to the bartender,Pamela asks quietly for a glass of wine,and nods a thanks*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
its been ages
*hands her a glass of some type of expensive imported wine with a complmentary wine glass of couse X3*
so how was the trip?
*pours some wine into the wine glass*
it hasnt been the same w/o you
*Pamela accepts the offered wine and smiles warmly,leaning back in her seat to relax* <My Thanks kind sir>
<I will recount my adventures in time,the Bar seems to be doing quite well>
*Raising her glass she lifts her glass in a silent salute*
*Sipping the beverage slowly ,she looks about the room to see what changes had occered while she was away*
*Noticing many new faces,she ponders at their thoughts.Do they seek a mere refreshing drink?Do they sit heads bent at plots or mischief?*
~Thinking to herself ,Pamela suspects that most are at the Bar for a respite from a long day and simply want refresment and companionship~

*Grinning to herself over her thoughts,Pamela Tosses her long braided hair over he shoulder ...patiently listening to the conversations around her*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*Walks in half asleep looking for a good time.*

*Notices Pam is back and quickly rethinks his plan for 'fun'.*
Coulda sworn I walked in another bar not to long ago

*walks in bar drunk*

"give me a coke and a hooker"

*immediately walks out of bar and pees on the brick wall*
*Notices Nubli and smiles his way*
<Is has been quite a long time old friend,please join me!>
*Pamela gestures to the seat next to her own*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Pamela, I haven't gotten the joy of meeting you but I've been helping Venom run the bar in your absence. ^_^;
*Sits down next to Pamela pondering the years it's been. Hungrily eating all the pretzels, I asks for more.*
* No more sodium for you Nubli!! *

*Eats rest of pretzels *
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
*walks back in bar and steals pretzels from everyone, then run backs outside and throws them in his piss*

*runs more, losing breath a block down the road*

* Bans slimp from the bar *

" Pretzel stealer!! "

* Gangs up with Nubli to get our pretzels back!!!!! *
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
*passes out due to lack of sodium shock*
*somehow gets on the bars roof and points and laughs at nubil and laughs, then passes out too and falls on the cement*
*Greets Nubli in the warm manner of a friend and touches his sleve in a playful manner and asks in a sincere voice* <How have you fared old friend?>

*Looking about she waves brightly to the one that spoke to her and gestures in a nod saulting with her glass of wine,to acknowledge the other.With the toast and a wink ,and rueful grin plays about her lips,Pamela turns her attention back to her cherished friend,long absent in her lonely days*
Woth a brief nod towards the counter she beckons for another wine as well as more snacks for her guest*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*wakes up to answer Pamela; <I haven't visited this place as often as I should, it's been a while for me too. And yourself?>*
*summons a large pretzel monster 100% pretzel*
and nubli hes is salted
*sees slimp passed out on the outside of the bar*
well you aint gonna be passin out there
*drags him in and brings him to the armory inside the bar and loads slimp into the howi*
*a section of the bar shifts out of the way to reveal the howi *
don voyage!
*fires the howi*
Nubli Wrote:*wakes up to answer Pamela; <I haven't visited this place as often as I should, it's been a while for me too. And yourself?>*
< Ah dear friend,the story is long ...and quite a tale! I was attacked in my slumber by Thiefs,and after slaying all but one,it
was revealed that one of their sorry lot had slain my brother.
So I ventured forth from this humble abode seeking justice...~shrugs~ or mayhap vengance,depends on how you look at the situation.>
*Pamela strokes her slim Dagger in a thoughtful way and looks deep into her glass of wine*
*With a proud tilt of her head ,she leans forward a bit and gazes directly into Nubli's eyes...holding him fast in a penatrateing gaze*
<Good friend I have killed men...and my soul is pricked by matter that they sought my life first.>

*Lost in thought Pamela sips at her wine and will not meet her friends gaze*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
any chance of a free hooker for nexus?
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
*punches nexus in the face*
this is a bar
*round house kicks nexus*
not some hooker joint for perverts to pay for there one and olny dream
*breaks a cheap bottle of beer over nexus' head*
order a beer or do i have to inflict more pain....

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