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Concept Taken from threads with similar purposes.
Post what your favorite class is, and why. Please, no small talk.
Favorite Class: Paladin
Why: There just so damm flexible. You can make one so many diffrent ways.
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barbs IMO. they can solo pretty well but also make good support(way way better back when there were no ctas). i have always loved barbs. well equiped, they can do about anything. and they're so much fun too. my style of play is basicly run into masses of monsters and hack away, i don't like casters as much although i use them for rush mf etc i don't enjoy playing them like i do my barb.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
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Favorite: Paladin
Why: There are many different ways to play as a paly, you can either be the one whos makin all the kills, or be the one whos healing everyone, either way its an all around good team player.
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Fav = Paladin!
Why? Very strong, always a help, most depended on(Rushes-Baaling/Chaosing-Ubers), and can always be good duelers (BM Chargers =PP)
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paladin... reason= all class own
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
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paladin - well, there's so many fun builds with the paladin class, hammerdins, fohers, smiters. so much fun. hammerdins are so flexible and can do pretty much anything in the game.
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Sorceress - can range with ice, fire and lightning as well as melee builds...
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Necro and Druid. Both very good at pvp if you take the time to build them right and learn about their strengths/weaknesses. Both can rip through pvm in very different ways such as tons of summons with stacked auras while cursing to fit the situation or hella fast spears/spirits. Then to melee tanks in wolf/bear form at the front of the battle or shredding away with hurricanes and tornados. Plus I think the way they look and feel is a bit classier than the others. =)
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Fav Class = PALADIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all i need, they can mf, rush, pk and kill ubers
what else do you need?
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paladin- because they are the most balanced build in the game, and there are so many builds to choose from
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druid - you just cant beat a good windy druid  and their half decent for botting and mfing and rushing
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pally!!! cuz they just own especially hammerdins and fohers. also bowpallys are also pretty good if they have knockback and that one bow that gives guided arrow
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Necros. I mean, c'mon. He has skulls in his armor.
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class: pallys
why: they just rock
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Fav = Barb
Why = Major Tanks plus Warcrys... and you can hold 2 weapons lol... They have major life when built right
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hav class=anything but a paladin
why- paladins are shit in pk ( compared to wind druids and anyother smart pker.. thats why blood raped a pal with a fire sorc in 2 hits,)
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Darkemperor121 Wrote:pally!!! cuz they just own especially hammerdins and fohers. also bowpallys are also pretty good if they have knockback and that one bow that gives guided arrow A foher and a hammerdin cant kill a druid that knows what he is doing.
Hmm... choices choices... well i think druids are excellent for pvp, they have alot of life unblockable 6k+ damage, and unblockable cold damage. and have advantage over alot of other builds, (hammerdins, necros, fohadins, auradins, cold sorcs, etc) with ease, they can also rush very well and i guess you can mf too if you wanted but i prefer a hammerdin if your going to mf.
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08-03-2006, 08:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2006, 08:53 AM by DJ_MUTTA.)
Favorite Class: Assassin
Why: They are not over powerd and they are fun to play with.
(And specialy Martial art sins)
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Necromancer, hands down. Come on, how cool is bringing skeletons from the grave? And like Almost Deadly said, his armor is wicked
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ok.. another favorite class.
why? since when does a chick have so much power.