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Up-To-Date Singer Barb Guide
Hey this is my first barb post but I think I can manage it.


In my opinion the singer guide here is old and out of date.

A singer barb is a barb that uses war cry as a main attack. This attack is not that powerful but with the stun length you will be able to kill almost all other players and monsters. But to have a good singer barb you will need to be rich, it is a very expensive build, although it can be modified.


War Cry (20)
Howl (20)
Taunt (20)
Battle Cry (20)
Shout (1)
Battle Orders (20)
Battle Command (1)
Iron Skin (1)
Natural Res (rest)


Right Weapon: HOTO – Good res, mana boost, 3skill and cast rate.
Left Weapon: HOTO – Good res, mana boost, 3skill and cast rate.
Armour: Enigma Mp – 2skill, Dr, Life boost, TELEPORT (Must have this)
Helm: shako ‘Cham’ or ‘Sur’ for the dr, Life and mana boost, oh yer and the 2skill.
Belt: Arach – 1skill cast rate and good def.
Boots: - sand for the vital + poison res.
Ammy: - Mara – all stats good.
Rings: 2 x SOJ but if you want you can use 2 x rare/crafted rings with Cast rate and other good mods.


9 x Wc Skiller (with life if possible)
Barb torch (20//20)
Anni (20//20)
10 x 20life + mana sc’s


Str – NONE, (enough for eni, then you will have enough for rest,)
Dext – NONE, (enough for HOTO)
Vital – Rest
Energy – NONE

If you wate till lvl 75 then you can wear evryting with no points in anything else. You will now have a massive Bo, with all the + mana items you should have around 800mana and 6.5k life. Your War Cry will do about 1.4k damage with a 10 second stun.


Firstly Bo, then tele on top of your enemy and War Cry them, this will then stun them and means you can keep on killing them in safety, except these -

Vs Smiters – Now smite can still attack under stun so keep teleing and keep War Crying them,
Vs Javazons – Well these are hard coz 1 hit of charged strike will probably kill you so try to hit them first.
Vs Bowazons – if they hit you first it will be hard to move coz you sacrafice FHR for cast rate, so try to get in fast.
Bone Necro - Because War Cry is Physical it is hard to break there bone armour so try not to get in a fight with them.

Apart from that you will be able to kill every one!


Don’t run out of mana, Keep loads of potions.

If I have forgotten anything or you have any questions plz post them, thanks

intersting guide, i cant say that i see any flaws other than you writing "very" with double R in the intro Tongue

good guide i guess, should be stickied, +rep Big Grin
i didnt read it cause the font hurts my eyes...change it to something less offensive and i will read it and tell you what i think
hm yeah red on the fusion skin is preety unreadable, i read it on the ambience skin, not so bad
I dueled a singer the other day he was pretty good for how much they cost and how effective they r i dont think i would make one although they are a fairly rare make and probably fun to make.
There has always been a very heated debate as to what weapons a singer barb should use. Some people prefer hoto's, but from my experience, most people go for double hel'd wizzies, since they give a HUGE mana boost, 150 res, and the + skills on the hoto don't do much for damage, but skyrocket the mana cost causing the barbarian to burn through it rather quickly. Other than that, nice guide.
How about a mix of wiz and hoto?
He'll look weird, but whatever you want to do, he's your character, after all.
Yeah i agree in some cases like Vs Bone necro you probably won't have enough mana to take him out so i'd suggest wizzies. That's IMO because i don't like using pots in duels
Thanks for pointing out spelling mistake and I have changed the colour to white for easy reading. And by wearing 2 x HOTO you get 30% extra mana and adds about 200 damage.


Bartender Wrote:How about a mix of wiz and hoto?
Ekizel` Wrote:He'll look weird, but whatever you want to do, he's your character, after all.

then make the hoto out of a club or mace. remember you can make a hoto out of anything in the mace class.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
I added this guide together with the rest of the barb guides that are in the stickied thread ... gj nirvana
[Image: Sig2Vectorcopy.png]

Please vote for us, it takes you 5 seconds.
ill try it if someone ever hooks me up since my accounts jacked
I noticed something missing, you forgot to tell us what gloves you wear, other than that its a good guide. I bet those duped wizspike gloves could help
did you mean "sur" your shako for the dr or "ber"?

overall gj dude.
the shako gives dr alone. probly read it wrong
Singers are something people made in the beginning of 1.10 when they had no idea about synergies and so on. I wouldn't recommend making one but what the hell it might me ok in pvm.
and the gloves Tongue?
I'd use frosties as the gloves if you are having mana probs...
This barb isn't good at all, the main purpose of a singer barb is stun, but with your low fcr your opponent can easily get away... For helm your best choice is 5-6war rare barb helm. Assuming the gloves are magefists you'll have 120fcr which is 5 away from reaching the next fcr bp 125. For me I would either go with 200fcr low damage or 125fcr (highest damage possible)

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