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question on ladder reset
so what exactly happens does your acount get deleted or something does your character get deleted im unsure need answers please.
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
The most likely (because it's what happened in the past) action is that all the previous ladder chars are simply reverted into nonladder characters - they keep any and all items they had on hand, and this is a way to get ladder-only items onto nonladder.

I think there was a slight notion from last ladder reset at first that all the ladder characters would be moved into their own separate area apart from the nonladder characters and the new ladder characters, but this never occured and all the ladder characters simply became nonladder characters.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
All your chars go to nl ofc..... the only thing that changes is the fact that you can't do any of the ladder only cube crap.
srry didnt want to make another thread, i was wondering how do people bring nonladder items onto ladder. is it during ladder reset or when exactly do they hack moving from nl to ladder
if we knew we would be doing it. and afaik if anyone on this site knew how they wouldnt just say it.
that said, i dont think its during reset because then there would be a couple hackers with super gg characters on the first day.. which ive yet to see happen
so let me guess this strait my items will disapear if im not holdinh them?!!
i had a barbarian ages ago go from ladder to nl and i think he kept all his gear i think... im gona check bnet fromums for some more answers ty
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
Quote:so let me guess this strait my items will disapear if im not holdinh them?!!

where the hell did u get that idea from =/ are you sure ur reading the right thread?
NOTHING happens to anything except that ur character is now non-ladder and u can no longer find/cube/make ladder-only stuff in the future. Anything that u have right now that is ladderonly stays on ur character, none of ur items or stats or anything is lost.
you only get kicked off ladder and moved onto ladder, every thing else is the same on your char, just no lad-only stuff
When ladder resets your char or chars that were on the ladder realm are moved to non ladder. You retain your stats , skills, levels and all items that are in your cube , in your stash , in your invi, or on your char (yes even the items that are on switch). This is how ladder only rune words get to non ladder. Well it is the only way that they are suppose to get to non ladder. The only thing that is different is that your char is now on non ladder as opposed to ladder and some of the cube reses dont work such as upping exce armor to elite armor (like vipermagi) and you can of course no longer make ladder rune words with the char or chars that were moved to non ladder.
also sdme of your items may poof if there duped and blizzard runs ruststorm or w/e
nexus Wrote:so what exactly happens does your acount get deleted or something does your character get deleted im unsure need answers please.

wat is exactly a ladder reset. well it is for all chars on d2 to have a chance to get to top of ladder chain. and wen they come out with new patch for the new lader chars to get first pick on the new rune words for the patch and try the up for skills and all the awsome extras the new ptches come out with.

well if they are making a new patch then i dont think the reset will hppen till the new patch to come out.
and that new patch i think is going to be humongus. new lot of things and add ons to the game origianal scripting like skills that can be changed if u mess up or something like that. wat ever blizard comes up with.

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