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Christianity as a whole has pissed me off...
I was going through my day like normal today until I got to art class. My first amendment right was violated today, as my art project was vandalized because it had a Bad Religion crossbuster on it like my signature. (Just to clear up a few things in this part of my post I'll tell you what my art project was. A mirror etching with the Bad Religion crossbuster on it.)

I guess someone smashed it outside really recently because a friend of mine was getting hassled by the janitor for allegedly breaking it. I know he wouldn't have though because he is not that kind of a guy, and we have suspiscion against someone but we aren't really sure who did it.

I just think it is really ****ed up because I see art projects with crosses and Jesus and all that fairy tale bullshit on it all the time. I have enough respect for these people not to mess with their stuff but as soon as someone expresses that they do not believe in the Christian god they are automatically Satanist or Luciferian or devil-worshippers. The ignorance that the churches instills in people in unbelievable. People in this country, the good old USA, take their freedoms for granted.

I am extremely pissed about this if you can't tell.... My first amendment right was not only violated but censored by one of these Christian ****s. I am at the point where I want to start burning crosses and whatnot. I remember once I said on BZS in the religion thread that I believed in god, well that has changed, I have lost my faith to these assholes. If there was a god his followers wouldn't be like this. In fact I see this as an act of terrorism, trying to scare me into not doing crossbusters...

What a ****ing coincidence Christian terrorism huh? Well I have made a vow to do more crossbuster art by the end of the year. As soon as I am done with my current painting I will move onto more crossbusters. I WILL RETALIATE.

I want everyone's thoughts on these fairy tale reading lying terrorist assholes that are christians.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
True Christians do not act in this manor.(note true) What you seem to have run into is a moron,and hypocrit,and perhaps some idiot that just dislikes you personally.
This in NO WAY excuses the vandalism of your art.
Art is an expression of talent and belieifs from the artists.
Many are unaware that (now) famous artists...both talented and extraordinary individuals,were persecuted by the Church and public at large.
Some were sent into exile,others put to death.
Not because of poor art...but because of personal beliefs.
In my eyes,that is just wrong.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Thank you Pam, and that is very true.... Look at what the mongrels did to Galileo and he was a genius. Well I am no pushover and will not be deterred by this, I have already let that be known. Oh and I wrote a paper for the school art/poetry publication, I hope they put it in. It wasn't me being hateful, more just me asking for respect, because I have respected them. I guess at my school I am one of a very few who aren't "gangstas." I only go to a school of about 150 people and I don't really hang out with anyone because the only group I would hang out with is polluted by a few dumbasses. Then again I am pretty antisocial and consider myself a little to mature to hang out with high schoolers. Well I'm rambling now.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
yes you are rambling
but i feel ya
yet you really take this a bit too far. it's as if you really think every christian at your school is rubbing their claws together and plotting to smash your painting for the glory of their lord
DaCougarMech Wrote:yet you really take this a bit too far. i

Personally i think your over analyzing this whole situation. it wasnt your art it was probably just the fact that it was yours. sure it was a shady thing to do for whoever did it but until you know the facts i dont see the point in attempting to defile everything religious
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
All I am saying is that Christianity is the most hypocritical religion out there yet they don't like it when people don't worship their god...

I bet those people who didn't necessarily agree with the Catholics during the time of the Spanish Inquisition felt the same way. I am not comparing myself to those put to death but merely stating an example.

All Christianity is good for is starting wars, the Crusades, WW2, they are even driving on the war in Iraq. They try to force their views upon others and people need to realize this, but it seems that the church has impressed so many views upon these people for so long that it is impossible to change.

These are my thoughts. Take them how they come.

I realize how it seems like I am pointing fingers but the person we suspect is a Christian and the reason he did this we think is because he was "offended." People need to grow up and get over bullshit like this, our country is becoming one hugely politically correct >< ugh no words to describe it. All I have to say is that if you are offended ignore the damned media.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Metalhead Wrote:All I am saying is that Christianity is the most hypocritical religion out there yet they don't like it when people don't worship their god...

I bet those people who didn't necessarily agree with the Catholics during the time of the Spanish Inquisition felt the same way. I am not comparing myself to those put to death but merely stating an example.

All Christianity is good for is starting wars, the Crusades, WW2, they are even driving on the war in Iraq. They try to force their views upon others and people need to realize this, but it seems that the church has impressed so many views upon these people for so long that it is impossible to change.

These are my thoughts. Take them how they come.

I realize how it seems like I am pointing fingers but the person we suspect is a Christian and the reason he did this we think is because he was "offended." People need to grow up and get over bullshit like this, our country is becoming one hugely politically correct >< ugh no words to describe it. All I have to say is that if you are offended ignore the damned media.

Im the kinda person that doesnt care weither or not you agree with or believe in the things that i partake in. Im always going to do my own thing and be my own person, if someone wants to do something alittle different than me then great do it. But dont dare judge me or catagorize me a certain way. Thats just how i am and i imagine its similar to the way you are. so i can definatly understand where you are comming from
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
this doesnt really have anything to do with whether or not the vandal was a christian. the important thing is that he was an asshole
I don't know why you have an undying hate for Christianity but to say that they are driving the war in Iraq is asinine. In reality it is republicans that are behind this war. And yes most, if not all, republicans may be Christians but you can't really say all Christians are republicans.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
jesus was a liberal. lawl
Religion as a whole has pissed me off.
idc about christians. as long as they dont shove there religion down my throat im cool with them. I'm agnostic (no not atheist). Christianity is a socialist religion to start with. about 90% of christians go to church to talk to people and socialize. there are some die hard christians though. I also dont like chirstianity because it was started by white guys back around the pilgrimange days. black people werent even allowed to worship it. thats not how religion works but hey w/e. I believe in what i believe and they cant believe in what they want to. what i hate is when they believe in something and dont follow through on it. like no sex till marriage and then something happens where they have sex like at age 17. and say o well im still a christian.
Mushroomhead18nc Wrote:idc about christians. as long as they dont shove there religion down my throat im cool with them. I'm agnostic (no not atheist). Christianity is a socialist religion to start with. about 90% of christians go to church to talk to people and socialize. there are some die hard christians though. I also dont like chirstianity because it was started by white guys back around the pilgrimange days. black people werent even allowed to worship it. thats not how religion works but hey w/e. I believe in what i believe and they cant believe in what they want to. what i hate is when they believe in something and dont follow through on it. like no sex till marriage and then something happens where they have sex like at age 17. and say o well im still a christian.

Started by white people? It is a beliefe started by another race entirely...I take it History is not really your strong point....I suggest a tad of studying before commenting.

Just a thought man......

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Mushroomhead18nc Wrote:Christianity is a socialist religion to start with. about 90% of christians go to church to talk to people and socialize.

Mushroomhead18nc Wrote:I also dont like chirstianity because it was started by white guys back around the pilgrimange days

hahaha. this is hilarious
Dude DCM I did a double take on that post.Glad I am not the only one that picked up on it. I had an overwhelming sense of *WTF!*The giggles were free and spontaneous.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Agreed. You have my backing 100%. **** Christians, they're the most hypocritical assholes I've ever talked to. The only one I've ever liked is my girlfriend.

Atheism FTW.
Tool Wrote:Agreed. You have my backing 100%. **** Christians, they're the most hypocritical assholes I've ever talked to. The only one I've ever liked is my girlfriend.

Atheism FTW.

LMFAO Tool! you neglected to mention she is VERY religious,and a die hard Catholic.....Tool belives in creating his own hell.smartass2

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Tool Wrote:Agreed. You have my backing 100%. **** Christians, they're the most hypocritical assholes I've ever talked to. The only one I've ever liked is my girlfriend.

Atheism FTW.

You do realize you just called your girlfriend a hypocritical asshole, right? lol
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
from analyzing it i can come to a few conclusions. you were in a school right. you just ran into an immature idiot that dont know how real christains act. i can understand you drawing something that you like or think is cool. hell i draw devils all the time. blaming this on christians is unfair, because a christain may not have done this. hell i know a christain didnt do this because it could have been another religion person, an athiest, or a person that thought he was a christian, but is way wrong. i wouldnt do stuff like that. personally i think im way to nice in real life, but thats because im a christain. if a church did this, it was probably an indirect christian church (like catholic.)

you were never a christian, i seen your posts on debates. your as bad as these guys. and calling us terrorists and lying. lying ignorant bitch is what you are. and you're just going to ignore this because you know what i say is truth and you dont want to hear it.

Quote:All Christianity is good for is starting wars, the Crusades, WW2, they are even driving on the war in Iraq. They try to force their views upon others and people need to realize this, but it seems that the church has impressed so many views upon these people for so long that it is impossible to change.
this is lies, unless you can find something directly christian dont bring them up. although i think the war on terror is good, because the war isnt being brought over here and because of all those that died and will die by these real terrorists

take some stuff from real christians, not christian knock-offs or fake ones.
because none of us would call you any of that crap. only if you showed real signs/ you admitted it. we share our relgion, we dont put if off on people. we give people needs that they dont have while doing our christian stuff, if they dont want to be apart if, they dont havfe to. we still help them. and no religion would like if you werent one of them.

if one of your problems werent address add them here and ill explain you to them.
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
why exactly does bluebleeder disregard his very own sig
[Image: keyc6o.gif]
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]

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