nexus Wrote:well it isnt sotw 18 because it hasnt been voted yet. but it is a very nice sig 9/10
I think hes saying its the sig he put in the SOTW comp. Not that he won the SOTW 18.
The sig is ok for a beginer Kaeles. I dont recall your first one so i cant make a comparison. On a 1/10 scale i would place it at about 3/10. Sorry. Its good for a beginner though. Keep up the good work, keep practicing, and read some tutorials on this site to help you out. also check out other tutorial sites. they really help to improve your photoshop skills. GL and HF.
Zero, its simple, the text effect looks bad. the colors dont go together. did ok for drawing the skull. could use more detail. the type is placed poorly. 4/10
04-25-2007, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2007, 01:42 AM by Nex.)
lets see what have i made recently... nothing special just one quick sig i made for a mate, for his wow forums:
i personally dont like the out come/colors but he insisted that this is what he wanted so against my will i went through with his plans.
and for this, well i wouldnt really call it a sig, this was my was of showing dylan what vector was and i decided to just tag it. bit it does look rather cute though:
and yea dan, i used some of the brushes u made and sent me
well the first one is basically any other sig... brushes, render, color, and text. theres really nothing wrong with it, but not a 10/10.
the second one i give a 10/10, i love it. especially the color. nice job
. .. at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese .. . and immigration says can we see . . . your green card, please.....?
wow really? all it is a white back ground then i pout a few brushes to it, then inverted the colour added some colours, then slapped some text on it and called it a sig. nothing special, thanks kreig (i liked divine better )
i think its nice SK. I think the text should be a bit more noticable, i guess because i like type so much. lol. 8/10, not your best but not your worst. i think you need to add more details. good job though
good job for your first sig. check out our tutorials to help you out some. the link is in the post above yours. again, good job and keep up the good work.