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My Bar
enters bar carrying soccer ball
zaps the basket ball out onto the moon
shows off dribbling skills to rip
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
*picks up the soccer ball and transforms it into a football*
"time to play a manly sport"
*throws the ball to my mom*
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
-intercepts football mid flight-
-transforms football into a hockey puck, the floor becomes ice and every one has skates and a stick ,cept for zk Tongue -
no god damn low blows
so special powers
anything goes ecpt for above XD
*goes to the other side of the bar for a pass
*she throws and nails a light fixture
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
"woah, the football was duped"
*goes off to play hockey and scores a goal on the opposing team* (me and venom are on same team)

edit: i spelled goal wrong, corrected
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
~Staying completly still so as not to slide away, then sneezes and morphs into a cat, he would fly through the air and go thru the door, which zerokool would slam shut behind him, he meowed to be let in, but he knew very well, no one could hear him over the loud noise. Zerokool could, but zerokool wouldn't let him in. after all it was zerokool who slammed the door shut.~

~Another cat came and hissed at him, he had no energy to morph back, and couldn't fight so he left and gave the other cat the spot in the doorway. He looked around for someone to let him in, when it started to rain. he hung his head and walked away in the pouring rain. His furr was kind of bright so he was visible from inside the bar, but no one payed attention. He walked away, from the bar slowly thinking to himself "Where will I go now?"~

~He looked around desperatly for a place safe from the rain, and when he couldn't find one, he stayed in the rain and looked up at one of the windows and cried.~
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*Pamela catches the ball~oommpph!~
*Tossing it back to the boys,she hears her cat meow and glances out the window.*
*Speaking in a loud voice,she says*
OMG my Kitten is outside and wet!

*Taking a warm towel quickly from a bar drawer,Pamela walks into the rain for her cat*

*Rubbing him dry with a warm towel,she coos softly to him and sits with him snuggled on her lap,and notices the game play going on,and smiles*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
OOC: that last one was uber emo srry bout that.

IC: ~Snuggles up to pam and purrs softly then growls at mean old zk~
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OOC: Tis ok...we all get that way at times^-^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*Neebs waddles over to kitten and turns the hairdryer on.
*When Neebs has finished drying kitten he switches it off.
"Ooopsie, giant puffball, *Neebs giggles seeing kittens fur all fluffy.
*Neebs strokes kitten and smooths his fur down.
*He then hugs Pamela round the legs and gives her a friendly kiss on each knee.
*Neebs giggles and waddles off again to put the hairdryer back.
-seeing how the game of hockey/football has ended i head back to the counter for something to drink-
that went well heh
*Pamela gigles at Neebs and her fluffy,but now dry cat and rises from her seat*
*With a yawn and wave,she walks to her chambers,carrying Kitten*
*Opening the door,the cat scampers to the bed and purrss*
*With a smile Pamela changes to sleeping attire and crawls in bed,snuggling her cat*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
~snuggles up to pam happily, nuzzling his face into hers and smiles while purring fairly loudly. He would fall deeply into sleep. He didn't even appear to be alive anymore. He would awake to find himself in a different room, it was obviously hell. There were tall standing men with hoods so dark you couldn't see their faces. He would look to the end of the flaming corridor, and he would would see the devil sitting in a chair. The devil would then speak. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!". He would run away but the men would grab him and would walk slowly to the devil while keeping him restrained. "It's not my fault!" he would yell. No one seemed to notice, the hooded men continued to advance towards the devil. He was definatly screwed. He new what he had done, but he new not how to fix it. Friendship was not something you could simply fix. "Who is it?" she would boom. "I wont tell you". The devils arms would stretch out and grab him. He could smell her breath, it was actually fairly pleasant. not very many people can claim their breath smells like perfume, who thought the devil could? she would open her mouth and say (softly at first but growing louder)"When I find out... SHE WILL TASTE THE FIRES OF HELL!" the next thing he knew he was back in pam's bedroom. He would morph into human form, and fall off the bed, he would wipe the sweat off his face and bury his head in his hands, he knew it wasn't a nightmare. She was out to get him. Only one person could save him now. He got into his armor, and he would walk over to the door.~
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*sitting back in my chair resting a bit*
seems like the bar is in for another rough ride im still surprised i heard that voice i was only half-asleep, i guess this damned sand has a few good uses after all
*chuckles to him self as he look at the ceiling of the bar*
*In a drunken stampide charges the jukebox
"Ahahahaha here we go
*Throws on The Bad touch by Blood hound gang
*laughs super drunkenly
*comes in, orders a strongewst thing and drinks the whole bottle of it and passes out*
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
*falls asleep right there on the spot*
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
*Pamela stretches out and reaches for her cat ,finds emptiness instead and falls back into slumber*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
seems like everyone is passed out but me ...
-stands up and stretches a bit-
oh wow is it ever nice when it's this quiet
~He would turn and see pam, and he would quickly kiss her on the forehead. He would then walk out of the bar and head out to a church to ask help from his father. When he got there he would sit down on the floor and pray. Then, a holy light flashed through the church, it was so bright, that it made venom fall back, onto the floor. The holy figure, would stand there and would ask in a gentle voice: "What troubles you my son?"~
~"Father, I have grave news. I finally made some human friends." The holy man would laugh, then look at him sideways and say "This is your grave news? This is wonderfull news!"~

~"THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS!!!" a voice would boom. The devil would explode from the ground and appeared to be very mad. The smile on the holy man's face quickly faded. "Am I missing something? Why do you insist on Punishing him!?!" The devil quickly cowered into the corner. God rarely got mad, but when he did it wasn't pretty. He would get extremly violent. The devil would cry a bit and say "Can we take this somewhere else?" she was obviosly frightened. "Lets." god would say. They both sunk into the ground and disapeared.~

~After seeing his father so mad at his mother, he laughed and knew he was safe. He would then go back to the bar hoping the loud voices and flashing lights didn't disturb anybody.~
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