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Mgrpg Is Released! :)
lol po boy has the guy from the wepons shop in his siggy and thax for another update
the guy from the weapon shop is friggin awesome!
u should really make this a online game
... one they would need a server and two itd be complicated and no point.... i mean everyone'd be the same

oh and do the enemies drop items yet??? you should have one of them menus that come up after battle like in FINAL FANTASY..... think its a good idea? to show what u got and crap
just a sugestion...
Hey man nice update did good.. one tiny problem i died in the dungeon and now when i go to where the ship is, it's not there
that happend to me but the ship came back... try restarting the program
ive restarted my computer and the game atleast 5 times it still hasnt come back
... try to update there is a new one i just got (and yes i was recently updated bfore it)

w8 can i tele.... brb
... back and failed.... u better fix dis plz and those griphons shouldnt atk all the party members
Bah, don't complain about the griffons. If you know anything about classic RPG, then you would realize that certain spells can deal damage to all members in a party. So the lightning attack is completely legit. Yes, there are some difficulties and keyskid will realize them, but lets not keep pestering him, what do ya say?
no? how bout that.... and it was a sugestion i dont need ur smart *** to tell me it was for him ok?
thank you
(not in good mood srry for flaming)
yea it's not nice to flame.. and yes the griffins can attack everyone.. it's a weak damage so don't complain that much.. you can attack all of them at the same time as well with a few of the skills you recieve which deal much more damage. and for the boat.. like the original problem with the boat.. i said just go to bed and it will appear back at town.. i suppose i can make it appear there without going to bed.. i'll try that for next patch. so are there any fx people out there (not you burner) that wanna make skins for the game? If i get atlease one I will make a skin tree in the updates so you can pick your skin there and it will download it for you... you don't have to replace all the files you can do major ones if you want.. just make sure you test them all out and stuff with no problems.. i won't add messed up ones to the updater. wow i got really off track...

i should make a IP ban for people not giving me 10/10 ... lol j/k
so did u just put up a new update??? or no...
you think u can finesh the desert by umm tomarrow night oh and on "castle island" u cannot enter the PUB or the INN just to tell ya
i didn't make a new update yet no.. umm i dunno what else to do to the desert.. lol.. and i completly forgot about the pub and inn... that'll be in the next update as well

and i think i am going to put an update in a few min with a new type of battling and you guys can tell me what you think about it and which you like better. I'll say when i put that out...
ok... im prolly the only one here right now and um... may i sugest that in the desert you can read what that tablet says and it tells you to like walk from the top left hand house 5 spaces... and so on then a dungeon opens?????? good or bad idea??

ps: i played one to many rpg's lol
umm i'll do something like that later i guess.. for right now it's just there to make it look pretty.. lol. Ok i just put the update on.. lets get some 1-10 ratings of the battle layout and if you want this one instead of the other.
i give it a 9 cuz im not used to it but it is a good system now all u have to do is get the item drops in there (can u do that tonight or will it take a while?)

Well i will be back on in the morning it is 11 00 PM for me and im sorta tired if you could do that so i can update in the morning itd be nice but u dont have to
thax and c ya tomarrow
i answered you before.. i said i'm not going to make drops except for bosses because the way i set it up is that a spesific monster drops a spesific item so it would get crappy if you like beat an enemy and it drops like 3 crappy swords and 2 crappy bows every time you fight them.. so you only get drops from bosses.. so far there is 1 boss.. you can't get there yet unless you hack the game... i don't think anyone is anywhere near level 50 yet.
I'm lvl 35 and I destroy everything in the dungeon, including the Griffons...Big Grin
did you go to the desert.. i made it harder then the griffins
Oh really? Just recently I hope because the monsters that were there before stunk compared to the Griffs...

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