Anyone know how someone did this? Act 3 you drop an item to trade for anni (in front of alkor's place) and the person just kinda ends up on your side of the square water thingi grabs your item and bounces? Though the person must have been a newb scammer all he scammed was an um rune which isn't worth all that much, in fact I get an abundance of them when I rush people for forge, i'm just curious how the person did it. Like one minute hes over across the screen the next second right next to me. Curious, anyone seen anything like that? know how its done?
Use the modified patch_d2.mpq, so you can use skills in town. Since other won't see it, you come invisible and then reappear. I posted it in another thread.
ok i got it to work but i dont think it makes u invisible i cant figure out that aspect anyways, i guess i gotta ask someone who knows how the guy ran the scam cuz i cant make me invisible
You won't see it yourself, and I think it only works with charge.
You also have to charge one hole screen, otherwise it won't work. Try it with your friend and ask him to watch you.
yeah i charged a whole screen and try to pick up an item away from me and it doesnt pick it up its odd, i guess i gotta work with my friend and figure it out. When you say a whole screen what do you mean exactly? Say your in Rogue camp for example
What it does is literally run your character above Charsi and it drops all your stuff, You literally have NO control over your character or your stuff dropping, and they pick all your stuff up.
1) SOLUTION: Dont download the program they told you to download.
2) TO FIX IT: There is no way to fix it, you have to restart your computer, and you have no lost everything on your character.