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Strange Habits
Anyone have any strange or annoying habits they would like to share?
A friend of mine talks what he types, and reads EVERYTHING out loud, he also likes to sing along with movies, OMG I wanna kill him sometimes. My annoying habit is correcting other people's spelling and grammar. Also, when I'm drinking, I tend to blurt out useless facts. My friends call me "The Vault of Useless Information". It's a wonderful mix of insult and compliment, don't you agree?.
You know on hats the button i spin that all day and my friends have a spaz cause i do it like non-stop.
i have a strange habbit of killing people who say dumb stuff, but then again this is the forum about dumb stuff, so ill keep my mouth shut
my habbit is i pick my not kidding im 13 and still pick my nose maybe its becuase fo stress o well.
your crazy, lol
what do u mean?its true..i havea problem when i get stressed liek over work i start picking my noes but i don eat it any more i jsut flick it away hopefully by 16 il lquit all together if my life is going alright.
LOLOL!!! they closed our "hottest chick ever" discussion!! was that an admin who closed it, or did it close by itself?
aliens have taken over he forums ahhhh duck in cover !!!!!!!!!11
hahaha, my strange habit is, eating. i think im the only one who eats. who here likes eating?
i do i like salty stuff with soda.for instance.


i also love papajons pizza with pinaple and itlaan sausage with soda Tongue.
nuclearsheep, spitfire closed the hotest chick thread,

and i do have a weird habit. My GF and i F*ck like rabbits, its kinda sad. I mean we love each other, but sex is like a daily rotuine, it still hasnt lost its touch, but its just kinda weird how often, i talk to other guyz and they talk about the days they GET laid, and i talk about the one i DONT. lol so yea thats my weird habit
hmmm be might start 2 prune lol liek when u get in a abthtube 4 2 long.did i jsut say abth-tube o boy..
spitfire did it!?! i know the hottest chick thread was stupid and long overdue for being closed, but i figured allisurd would be the one to close it

ha, me and caitlin dont **** all that often, were still 16, so shes gotta live with her evil dad, but everyonce in a while ill catch her when shes home alone, and then, *rabbit immitation*
wow once gaian jsut this year we were talked 2 about protection and some other word ere u wait till ur married so u know that the person wont have aids hwen u do were talkign about sex again god damnit nwo i need 2 play withmyself so more.see what u've done!
haha, screw condoms, if she gets pregnent, its not my fault, she wants to name the baby "seth" if its a guy
hmm not bad bu i would recoomend something like not sure if i spelt that right but o well.
ok, for starters, Sam and i are still 16 too. but she's been on the BC Shot for a long time n e ways. U know what sucks!!!! ima turn 17 and she'll still be 16 for a month. Man ima be a Statatory <--- i need Hooked on Phonics Rapist. lol man im horrible, i dont know if i could go a month n e more. but n e ways, Apossal, the word ur looking for could be Pre / Post marital sex. but i think what u where looking for is the word Abstinance <---- *sobs*. Lol u guyz wanna know whats sick, I Command my AFJROTC group and we give a sex ed thingy right. so im preaching to these middleschoolers about Abstinence <--- some 1 hlp me and im being such a hippocrite but n e ways, Apossal, you needing to go fondle <--- i just quit is just too much for me man.

my son's name is going to be Drecin Douglas Dial
damnit i dont knwo what fondle means time 2 go 2
haha, I REMEMBER THOSE STUPID ABSTINENCE PRESENTATIONS IN 9th GRADE!!!!!!, we have afjrotc in eaugallie, i can never remember the letters, so im not even thinking about considering joining.(did that make sense?)
yea still unclear i now know theres mroe than 1 whole so how do u know which 1 2 plugin 2?

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