08-30-2004, 07:10 AM
Hey I did say that consoles can NOT be better than PC, for the fact that they are all made on PC, and console games are just translated. I just reviewed all those games because those are the ones I am looking for right now. Sorry if it was too much to read lol. I must however argue that racing is better on console, namely PS2, for the racing game known as Gran Turismo 3, and the soon-to-be king of the racing world, Gran Turismo 4. Other than that I totally agree Spoon. BTW, JZXL, your video card and ram must blow mine out of the water then, because at full setting I was lagging. Commandos 3 ran pretty smooth with low settings tho. I still reccommend a P4 3.00 or higher if you can get it, because my neighbor has one and it makes the game so much better and smoother, and I don't care how smooth it is on yours, his is by far smoother.