09-14-2004, 12:44 PM
So what about ur 5k sojs, i'm talkin about have infinite sojs, selling 40 in ever server i get into over the weekend, theres aleady 20-30 counts that the battlebot is wrong on, and yes, i check it daily over on gamesurge........if ANYONE has ever been on .org back when it was alot smaller, they would know what the cause of all this was....i've been told by many people about battlebot having correct counts since there are so many people that update it, but from what i've seen from battlebot, the last time i sold in 20 ip's, it only caught one, not as good as you wish it was huh?......and, no attacks have ever been place on any other servers....when me and the gameaddix owner were informed of these so called "attacks", we went straight to Mantis over on .org, we asked him about it and he said he has never heard anything about attacks from game addix on ANY server. and about TrippinSmurf....lmao thats funny, not hard to get someone to agree with you when all you do is go get one of your buddies to come sign up to the forums and post a reply.......i must admit though, with the rules ur servers have....sucks to be you.....the only rule gameaddix has is no scammers...so if you want a much funner place to clone hunt, and hell, just to hang out....irc.gameaddix.net is the place for you