12-28-2003, 07:33 PM
might be from angelfire problems. angelfire has been infected for the past 2 weeks so i havent updated the site till they fix the trojan. also the mod wont work for most firewall users now since i've added a self destruct ini to it to prevent firewall used games. it also disables routers.
Quote:gamespy magazine
New discovery of parts from Logitech companies around the continent. Researchers and marketing of parts haven't been serial checking and scanning any of the new parts for errors. Some occurances have been trojans, burnouts, and misthreaded components. Logitech manufacturers haven't answered on where or when they sent the parts and what companies are sponsoring them. An estimated 59% of people that bought parts during the christmas weeks have been infected and/or have recently have had errors and false alarms cause of defective parts. Action has been taken and there has been a lay-off of 4,000 employees at logitech buildings for the mischeck of parts.