10-02-2004, 10:43 AM
If you have the smaller controllers....X-box controller is far more comfortable and the buttons are pretty easy to get to. Where with PS2 putting the start and select button between the two joy sticks sucks because if you pause and accidentally hit the joy stick you may have just lost the game from that one mistake. I love X-box controller...I hate everything about the PS2...especially how unreliable they are. Never even had my X-box freeze, PS2s freeze all the time if you play an RPG for as long as I do. Plus I'm not sure if any PS2 games have quick saves...which is vital in some games. It would have taken alot longer to beat Jedi Outcast without quick saves... But anyway it's a matter of preference when it comes down to controllers...but when you compare the hardware (power and quality) X-box is the champion.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."