10-14-2004, 10:33 AM
soundsev3n Wrote:Rob that is true, you can refuse the search. As unfortunate as it sounds, an officer is allowed to detain you temporarily (i did say that last time) if you refuse a "top layer" search. What I meant by that is... you have nothing to worrie about if you dont have anything illegally in your possesion. You shouldnt refuse if you have nothing to worrie about. The third time you get stopped in a month around the same spot is when you have something to complain about. (hopefully enough of something for anyone to give a sh*t about n e way)
Basically cooperate or prepare for OfficerHardass to ruin a bigger part of your day. And every-other day that he finds you.
Even after all this is said, there are a lot of extreemly annoying (yet currently lawful) things you can do to take care of a problem temporarily n e way. One of my favorite weapons is those little glass viles of pure funk. Smells like a dead skunks a**hole.
If he does something to you, and your unable to retaliate through the system... Do the same to him.
Lol, you don't know the law, do you? Here in Florida, they have 15, and you're expected to count them, 15 minutes to get a warrant. If they don't have one in 15 minutes, you are legal to ride away. How do I know this? I had to go to traffic school. A black, retired state trooper told the class. "If your stopped and they can't get a warrant in 15 minutes, ride off. You'll be perfectly legal and if he stops you again, tell him you know the laws and he will back off. I guarantee it."
Never give in, even if you're 100% legal. Why? Because when you do, the cops get fuel added to their fire. Why should you let ANYONE search you for no reason? Even if you know you're 100% legal? It's unlawful, and unconstitutional(assuming you're state-side). Know your rights and live by them. Giving in is unpatriotic as far as I'm concerned.