11-07-2004, 06:43 PM
ken2520 Wrote:ok here it is...1. open then fridge door, pick up the elefant in the fridge, close the fridge door.
gimme 3 steps on how to put an elephant in a fridge!!
after that
gimme 4 steps on how to put a Geraif in a fridge!!
heres another one...
An old man was walking down a small ally walk behind the buildings.
He was walking then he drops his watch. he quickly picks it up... HOW?!?
Tips: There was no flashlight, houselights, lamps, lanterns
No he was not blind.. he was an ordinary old man perfect health
ill tell u answers in a few days ^_^
2. open the fridge, take out the elephant, put in the giraffe, close the fridge door.
3. yes nubli's right, it was daylight when he picked it up