11-08-2004, 02:32 AM
var characterScreenTimeout = 30000; // time in milliseconds to wait for character screen to appear
var pleaseWaitTimeout = 30000; // time in milliseconds to wait for a please wait popup
var createGameThreshold = 10000; // time in milliseconds to wait between making games
well its both. cuz when i use autod2jsp.exe , under (location) i always see lobbys which is the seconds that i have to wait b4 making a game. and after like 10+ games i always get r/d. so what should i set my seconds to? btw the 1 i posted up eariler was the script "starter" this script here is the "autod2jsp" so if ne1 can help .ty
Edit: and btw, those script i juss posted here, r they the only 1's that affect the r/d's and lobby's?
var pleaseWaitTimeout = 30000; // time in milliseconds to wait for a please wait popup
var createGameThreshold = 10000; // time in milliseconds to wait between making games
well its both. cuz when i use autod2jsp.exe , under (location) i always see lobbys which is the seconds that i have to wait b4 making a game. and after like 10+ games i always get r/d. so what should i set my seconds to? btw the 1 i posted up eariler was the script "starter" this script here is the "autod2jsp" so if ne1 can help .ty
Edit: and btw, those script i juss posted here, r they the only 1's that affect the r/d's and lobby's?