11-13-2004, 03:35 PM
i have a really uber skelly necro i maxed out both skellies and mastery. only 1 point into revive though cuz ur plus skill items should put u at 12 or so (ive got 17, but never need to use them) i also maxed fire golem (hes vicious as hell, and is funny when fire sorcs try to kill him). oh, and Dont do decrep its a bad skill. i know it seems good buts its not just put 1 point into amp plus ull save points on the pre-req's. lol 1 point in corpse explosion is enough, but ull need the corpses 4 ur skellies, and once u get them all u wwont need explosion its a waste!!!
pm me if u wana see him to help u.
pm me if u wana see him to help u.