11-28-2004, 04:11 AM
LostTrance Wrote:Lets see, ask any non pubbie bone nec what gloves they use. It sure as hell wont me Magies.fhr is used for people who lack the ability to dodge... its like a sorc with ss, she lacks the ability to know where to teleport and has % dmg reduct as insurance so she doesnt die
For the FHR, if your teleporting and someone namelocks you, then you stop to cast and they hit. You have no FHR. You = Dead. THATS why you need FHR. (AkA: BloodFists, why use Magies if you get Valk DF and so on your FCR will hit the BP so it's pointless to use magies.)
And just so you know silver the BP for FCR is 125% not 130%.