11-28-2004, 02:01 PM
it picks up rare ones, ids them, and if their good it keeps them... if not it sells them.... now as for doing 2 sorcies u can do that...... but if u use 2 sorces on the same account...make sure they both dont exit and go in the same channel at the same time.... this will get u disconnected from bnet and possibly a realm down for several hours.... other then that u can think about this........ usually 4 bosses a game... 20 games an hour/// 10 hours usually inactive/// 200 games a night......x2 from 2 sorces=400 games a night... or if ur like me and have a bot running 24/7.... thats 20x24=480 games per day and soon to be x2 for 960 games a day.