11-28-2004, 04:56 PM
LostTrance Wrote:Wow, you totally didn't even understand my post. I said for people who namelock. If you get namelocked then stop to cast I'd like to see you dodge, until then don't talk because you know nothing of necs im sorry to say.he fires and namelocks me.... i dodge and fire back..... theres no reason to get angry over something so trivial as how people build necros... now back to business..... ok some fireball sorc tries namelocking you.... tele your *** off and when then sorc comes at you fire a few bone spears at her and then start teleing again. wanna fight a foher??? well fhr wont help u either.... just make a golem and a sage possibly from hoto then hope for the best using bonespear.
Same with you DC, it doesn't matter if your FCR is 3097348093743 if you have no FHR and you get namelocked, YOUR SCREWED. Learn to build a nec, don't be a pubbie newb.
Thats about all I have to say about this thread, if you want a shitty nec listen to DC//Silver I guess.
also im wondering.... u said to use 08 valk.... do u even know the fhr breakpoint?
and what is this namelock.... ive dueled many people using ranged characters and ive never been name locked.......i hear people with auto aim can namelock easily.. but i wouldnt sink that low.