11-29-2004, 09:13 AM
Darths soul began to eat the insides of splinter cell slowly making his body decompose. There was a slight hole where his anus was and his body spontanously decombusted. Fire and blood was everywhere spraying on macro and angry. *Darths soul walks the earth, Pamelas minions grow weaker in fear*
*Darths soul flings his body at macro and makes a hole in the body* *places macro in the hole so macro cant move and tickles him till macro pees his pants.* *macro pees his pants and cries off screaming into the woods*
*Darths soul flings his body at macro and makes a hole in the body* *places macro in the hole so macro cant move and tickles him till macro pees his pants.* *macro pees his pants and cries off screaming into the woods*