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PvM Rushing Sorc
Here is a Sorceress that I designed a few weeks ago, and created, completed, and was very pleased with her afterwards, when I was working with her a bit. I'll start with gear, and go on through stats, and then skills. She is based on Lvl 85 build at this point, with all skill quests finished in norm, nm, and hell. Enjoy.


Gear explanation is simple. Pretty much everything boosts skills and resistances. Very few items boost mana, but with regen, don't really need it too bad.

Helm: Shako *Um* -- the skills and resistances. Gives the obvious bonus to life/mana
Ammy: Tal's Ammy -- the skills help out a lot, resist doesn't really matter. Cheaper than Mara's, and you get the same effect from it.
Weapon Tab 1 -- Any% Hoto flail. Sucks for me right now, cuz the last one I made was a 30%, but with rest of gear, it all falls into place.
Armor -- CoH Dusk Shroud. 15% superior, and the resistances help out, and hell, why does a sorc need nigma anyways if they are just using it for skills? Get everything out of your gear you can.
Shield Tab 1 -- Sanctuary (Your Choice). I use a 15% sup Troll Nest, has 64 to resistances, not great, but better than the 51 I did have... Wink
Gloves -- Gravepalms. On B.Net everyones always asking me, "Why those?" Strength boost, mana boost, thats all you need em for.
Ring 1 -- Soj
Belt -- Arach Mesh. The bonus is super nice.
Ring 2 -- Rare ring with FCR, mana boost, hp boost, or just go soj. I personally did fcr rare ring.
Boots -- 15/15 Treks. Would be nice if they were eth 15/15's, but you gotta stick with what you have.
Weapon Tab 2 -- Your choice here. If you wanna go mf, go 6-ist crystal sword. If not, go any bo CTA, you already got 8-9 to all skills, so you will get something as far as an hp/mana/stamina boost.
Shield Tab 2 -- either 4-ist monarch, or go with a splendor shield if you do cta. Gives you an extra skill bonus, not too bad for eth lum...


Put in 10 str till you use the Gravepalms. After that, either go str charms or put str in until you can use the CoH Dusk, 77 str total. After that, you can use shako, arach belt, and sanct shield, and treks. All the rest, I kinda do a 3-2 vit-energy ratio per level after that.


I go primary lit on her, so skills are:

Lvl 20 CL
Lvl 10 Nova
Lvl 10 Blizzard
Lvl 10 Orb
Lvl 10-15 Lit Mastery
Lvl 10-15 Cold Mastery
Lvl 5 Warmth
All prerequisites, and I think I did Lvl 10 on all of CL synergies, and Lvl 20 Lightning. Yeah, you encounter a lot of Lightning Immune and Cold Immune, but you won't find as many that are immune to both. That about sums it up for my PvM rushing sorc. Hope it works out for you.

Messages In This Thread
PvM Rushing Sorc - by CDiggity - 12-05-2004, 04:53 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Anferny - 12-05-2004, 05:03 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Foog - 12-06-2004, 02:05 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by CDiggity - 12-06-2004, 02:14 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Keitaro - 12-06-2004, 10:58 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by CDiggity - 12-06-2004, 03:00 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by ken2520 - 12-06-2004, 03:24 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Keitaro - 12-07-2004, 05:50 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by TyKe - 12-07-2004, 11:40 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by A|fzZz - 12-08-2004, 12:01 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Keitaro - 12-08-2004, 02:09 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by CDiggity - 12-08-2004, 09:13 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by ducky01 - 12-08-2004, 09:17 AM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by Timetear - 12-09-2004, 11:36 PM
PvM Rushing Sorc - by FeNiXSuNfIrE - 12-12-2004, 05:13 PM

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