12-07-2004, 07:47 AM
" this is the fight men, the fight that we were born to do. we shall defeat raef if its our last breath! Now is the time to act a day gone by and no hanzo so we fight."
*dawns ancestral armour and wepons*
*45 men charge and begin fighting minor demons, battle is going in our advantage until a greater demon is realised*
*arrows and javalins seem to do no damage*
*fires a spirit arrow and pierces the demons right arm*
*group who are supposed to assasinate raef notices how diffrent the castle looks *more modern* the continue on ward until the are attacked by soliders*
*dawns ancestral armour and wepons*
*45 men charge and begin fighting minor demons, battle is going in our advantage until a greater demon is realised*
*arrows and javalins seem to do no damage*
*fires a spirit arrow and pierces the demons right arm*
*group who are supposed to assasinate raef notices how diffrent the castle looks *more modern* the continue on ward until the are attacked by soliders*