12-07-2004, 10:12 PM
That would take time, but i can tell you where you get most exp:
1-3 Outside camp
3-5 Stoney Field
5-12 Tristram Runs
12-20 Run and kill in dessert act2
20-24 Cow Runs
24-25 Ancients
25-45 Baalrun normal
45-70 Baalrun Nightmare
70-99 Baalrun Hell
1-3 Outside camp
3-5 Stoney Field
5-12 Tristram Runs
12-20 Run and kill in dessert act2
20-24 Cow Runs
24-25 Ancients
25-45 Baalrun normal
45-70 Baalrun Nightmare
70-99 Baalrun Hell