12-09-2004, 03:23 AM
I still don't know whos side to take, Hellmonkeys and Ninjai or Netter. Netter has a good story, but the screenshots Hellmonkeys took, go without saying, Netter is guilty.
Notice that Netter started selling cdkeys on his site after releasing the bots. Coincidence?
My accounts will be saved, but there is a chance that he may sell my cdkeys, in which case, i'll just go to K-mart (wal mart is overcrowded) and steal some cdkeys.
Notice that Netter started selling cdkeys on his site after releasing the bots. Coincidence?
My accounts will be saved, but there is a chance that he may sell my cdkeys, in which case, i'll just go to K-mart (wal mart is overcrowded) and steal some cdkeys.