12-10-2004, 04:27 PM
Personal issues......
And racist jokes are ok to an extent, what the jewish people had to endure in World War II is nothing to joke about. SCF, I'm sure you would be offended with people making jokes about what was done to slaves in early America, just as another member was highly offended by that joke you posted. Anyways, I never said stop the jokes, but just make sure they don't make fun of the heinous crimes commited against innocent people.
And racist jokes are ok to an extent, what the jewish people had to endure in World War II is nothing to joke about. SCF, I'm sure you would be offended with people making jokes about what was done to slaves in early America, just as another member was highly offended by that joke you posted. Anyways, I never said stop the jokes, but just make sure they don't make fun of the heinous crimes commited against innocent people.